"Is different from other families," I said as I wore my pants and then my shirt.

"Yeah like I gathered you were rich." She said as I buttoned my shirt then tucked it in.

"Sure you can call us rich but it's not that." I said as I wore my tie.

"Then?" she asked as I wore my coat and started putting in the badges.

"You can turn around," I said as I wore my cap.

"You're in the Army?" she asked, surprised looking at me.

"Air Force but yeah." I said trying to think of how to tell this too her. Why was this so hard? Maybe cause you have never actually told anyone this. Either they knew this from the moment they met you or they never found out.

"Ma'am?" a female officer walked in. When I turned around she gave me a salute. "We need to leave."

"Yes" I said nodding and then looked at Abigail "Let's go" she said confused signaling me to lead the way. "Abigail I consider you as my friend. Well you're the only person I trust that doesn't come in the large group I was born into.  Promise you will give me a chance to explain" I said she gave me a questioning look but nodded. "Ok" I took a deep breath as I walked out of the plane. I looked outside to see there was a press far away from the plane with camera lights flashing. I fixed my cap and looked back to see if Abigail was following me. When I got down the stairs all the soldiers saluted as Alfred opened the car door for me. I told Abigail to get in and then got in after her.

"Who are you? Are you like some high rank Air force officer?" Abigail asked me as the car started to drive home. Well I barely have any memories over there other the very important events so not really my home. We stayed outside the city Mom's travelled in and out of the palace and then moved in after grandfather passed and the throne passed on to mama. That happened when we were 18. We were all in the army at that point. Nia in the Navy, Dora in Military Medical Service and me in the Air Force. I serviced for 3 years on and off.

"No, not high. Just an Air Force Lieutenant Colonal and it's more of an honorary title I got."

"Why?" she asked as she looked out of the window as we entered the palace. Passing all the press outside the gates. It was a quick drive as the streets were cleared.

"Cause the press likes you more when they realize you have served," I said as the car stopped in front of the palace doors. I got out of the car and gave her a hand helping her out. She looked around and then gave me a confused look. Is this girl dumb or what?

Maybe she has never seen the Belgium palace.

"What are we doing at the palace?" she asked, confused. Ok so she has seen the palace. Conclusion, she's just dumb. "Just follow me you will know soon." I said as I shook my head and followed one of the servants. We walked towards the main living room. The servant was above to open the door when I stopped him.

"Whatever you see after this just remember I'm still the same girl who offered to fuck you on a bus" I said as I took off my cap and signaled the servant to open the door. My statement had made Abigail blush making me smirk.

When I entered the room even before I could react someone crashed into me making me lose my balance and fall down. I looked down to see it was my sisters.

"Guys I love this but I think I hit my head too hard on the floor." I said making Dora get up but Nia was still hugging me. She kissed my forehead and then helped me get up.

"Fuck thank god your alive" Danny said as she hugged me. I looked back to see Abigail was smiling but then her smile fell and she almost looked like she was above to puke.

"Wait?! You're kidding me!" she whispered to me. I looked at where she was looking to spot Mom's. She finally got it.

Moms hugged me and gave me a kiss on the cheek. "Well you already know Abigail over here Mom's" I said motioning towards Abigail. She was in shock as she did a curtsy.

"Fuck, thank god your alright" Andy said as he walked towards me I thought he was going to hug me but he walked passed me and hugged Abigail.


Abigail winced a little when he hugged her "Abby what's wrong?" He asked pulling back looking worried. "Nothing uncle I just bruised my rib." UNCLE?!

"The uncle?!" I whisper yelled at her and she nodded "the uncle."

"Andy? Andrew Denvers? Is your uncle? You sure?" I asked again and Andy just looked at me confused and Abigail nodded.

"Willow you know his real name is Charles Newman right?" Franc said as she looked at me confused at what was going on.

"Wait, What?!" I said I looked at Moms and then at Andy. "Who do I have to fuck over here to know all this shit?" as soon as I said it Mama whacked me on the back of my head.

"Language" she said and I mumbled, "I'm sorry but I'm serious. No one tells me things anymore."

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