"Ok supply truck it is then." I said and she nodded.

"sleep now" she said and gave me water to drink. I drank a little and then slept for a while.

When I woke up. I was feeling much better. I got up and my ribs still hurt but it was manageable. I looked at myself only to just now realize I was in different clothes. Who changed me?

Why is Willow being so mysterious? She was for sure hiding something. When I walked out of the room I saw Coco cooking. It was pretty sunny outside.

"Morning sleeping beauty" Willow said as she was in different clothes this time and had 2 kids in her hand. I looked at her amused as she walked outside the house.

"Who are these?" I asked, pointing at the kids.

"Oh they are neighbors kids. They went to work and Coco babysits them. I'm just helping her out."

"How long was I out?" I asked as I looked around we were very near to the beach.

"24 hour in total from the crash till now." She said as she put the kids down and started to put clothes out to dry on a thread that was tied between trees.

"Damn" I said as I kept an eye on the kid playing around. "Did Arthur find a Sat Phone?" I asked and she shook her head. Picking up the empty bucket and putting it aside. Coco came and gave me a plate with eggs and bread. "How do you say thank you?" I asked Willow. "dank je" she said and I repeated her. Making Coco smile

"Can you ask her if I can help out with something? I feel bad just sitting here and eating her food." I told Willow and she asked something to Coco.

"Do you know how to bake?" Willow asked me

"Yeah pretty actually." I told Willow and then looked at Coco.

"dat is geweldig, laten we gaan (that's great, let's go)" Coco said, taking my hand and taking me to the kitchen with her. She gave me a recipe book that was in English. Cake recipe was opened up.

"Birthday avond" she said and I just understood birthday. I nodded and started to help her out with making the cake. We were actually making a very big cake. I ate my breakfast as I helped her.

It was funny if you looked at us from far. We both somehow completed the cake speaking in sign language.

Willow came in eating an apple without the kids. She then started to say something to Coco making her laugh.

"Come on let's go get ready."

"What?" I asked her as I followed her.

"The cake you just made is for a neighbor's kid. it's his birthday and we are invited."

"Ok what are we going to wear?" I asked as we entered the room. She gave me this dress that went till my knees. "It's Coco's daughter's clothes we are wearing. She is studying in the city. Go shower there is a towel inside" she said showing me the bathroom. "Oh and" she went to the table and gave me my lingerie. "It's washed" I could see a smile lingering on her lips. I quickly took my panties and bra from her. My face started to heat up so I rushed into the bathroom. 

I shook my head taking off my pants and then tried to take my t-shirt off my it was painful making me stop midway. I tried a couple of times but it was of no help. I have to ask willow to come help me.

"Willow" I said, opening the door a little as she was laying on the bed. She got up on her elbow and looked at me "Hmm?"

"Can you help me? I can't take off my t-shirt, my ribs hurt." I said nervously

"Oh sure" she said coming closer

"Oh close your eyes" I quickly added.

"Ok" she said as she entered the bathroom with her eyes closed. I had my back to her as she helped me take off my t-shirt making me stand naked she said "Nice ass" I turned around to yell at her only to find her chuckling with her eyes still closed. "I'm joking I didn't see your ass." I turned her around and pushed her out of the bathroom. "But I'm sure it's a nice ass" she said when I was closing the door making me blush. Was she flirting with me? Nah come on I'm sure it's just how she is. It's her personality.

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