Chapter 34

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Zora's PoV:

Loud explosions, screams and bloodshed could be heard and seen everywhere as Uncle Gohan and Uncle Goten rushed with me in their arms attempting to escape this massacre before we too become next on their hit list. Where is my mummy? She would've come to get by now. I want my mummy.

"I want my mummy!" I cried out no longer wanting to be here as it is too scary and loud. Uncle Gohan seemed to struggle as I began to kick and push wanting to be put down, but he refused to release me and I don't take no for an answer.

"If you behave then you might be able to!" he yelled over the several explosions that were sadly missing us thanks to Uncle's great dodging skills, but mum is better.

"What's the problem now? First Xzander, then Ebba is dead and now the kid! What else do you want to wine about?!" Uncle Goten yelled making as Uncle Gohan rolled his eyes which was pretty cool, I wonder if I can do it too?

"SHUT UP! Can't you see that I'm trying to save our nephew?! If Nova finds out that we let him get hurt she'll kill us!" Uncle Gohan was being quite over dramatic for his age as mummy would never do such a thing as she is sweet, kind and very beautiful. She even makes Mr, Xeno grow red. I wonder why people always do that when talking to my mum?

"And? We can't help it can we? Xzander and his troops are far above our Power levels! Do you really think running away is going to do any different?" Uncle Goten replied arguing like what mum told what brothers do, but I don't have any brothers or sisters yet. I wonder if I can ask mum to get me one? A blast skimmed my head and exploded beside me causing all of us to fall into the dirt while I grazed some parts of by body which didn't hurt as much as mum's light attacks during training.

"Oh no! Uncle Gohan are you okay?" I asked while quickly crawling over to him as he grunted sitting himself up while Uncle Goten did the same not as hurt as his brother who seemed to be bleeding from his head. Ew! blood. Why does it have to smell so bad and yet look so much like strawberry jam? appetizing, but still the smell puts me off.

"I.. I'm fine. Let's keep mo--

No one's PoV:

Xeno, Voltar and his army had entered the battlefield prepared to fight for the sake of their pride and for the Multiverse from this horrific, heartless so called God who managed to kill the Omni King and claimed his throne for himself.

"Hahaha. Too easy" Xzander laughed killing men as if it was child's play dropping bodies whenever he goes refusing to let no man nor woman go unscathed by his plasma blade and allow their blood to pain the battlefield and forever remind them on why he was untouchable. "YES! That's it. Run. RUN! You're just make your death coming even soon and more meaningless to me. Surrender and I might spare your lives if you follow under my lead and pledge endless loyalty to me as my slaves until the very last day you draw your last and meaningless breath" Xzander manically called out in hopes of drawing out some easy targets or slaves to complete his collection or maybe repopulate once everything is gone. However, he was left disappointed when they continued to flee refusing to listen nor take part in his offer as he sighed placing a hand on his face. "Never mind.. I'll just kill you instead then!" He complained before going back to his endless killing spree showing no signs of mercy towards anyone or anything.

"Quit running away your cowards! You're all a disgrace to the Saiyan race?!" Voltar exclaimed clenching his fists tightly until blood began to seep out from the palm glaring at Xzander who felt the King's glare causing him to turn around and look unfazed at the monkey.

"You think a lousy glare like that is going to scare me? Try again or are you going to run away like your cowardly men? Even Vegeta is braver than them and I broke his arm and he is still coming back for more! He's a real Saiyan unlike YOU" Xzander replied surprisingly standing up for Vegeta who was by the King's side refusing to back down from a fight like this one as the near death experience could do him some good and boost his power even further beyond.

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