Chapter 31

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The secret of Nova's cussing was kept safe from Neoma's ears as no one would want to feel the wrath of a God like herself as her power out matches anyone and yet she doesn't think it is enough unless she somehow can turn her white tiger form golden to prove her true Toura-jin heritage other than through the ways of an angel.

Today Nova was brought along through space of what is left of the Anti Universes with Ebba, Goku, Vegeta and Aku who was second in charge of the search to find out Xzander's next known location and prepare to strike for their next and hopefully final attack.

"Commander, Why do we have to bring the girl with us? She can easily get in our way and ruin everything we've worked so hard for to achieve" Aku questioned Ebba who kept her held in his arms knowing exactly what he was doing and the change she will bring if awakened at the right time.

"Are you really questioning my actions? You're a Beta-Omega and have no power over me. Start acting like one" Ebba responded showing no weakness to the warrior reminding him of his low status and the attempt he tried to make on Xeno to up the ranks for more power and control of the clan.

"Y-yes sir" Aku replied with a stutter already feeling the tension build within the Saiyans as Nova glanced over Ebba's shoulder staring at him with those light blue eyes judging the Toura-jin as he too had no power over her as she already ranks up to Alpha thanks to Neoma's genetics and Ebba's stubbornness to give up when confronted with a challenge. "Tsk, that brat. She'll surely pay for what she's done.. I've lost by spot as third in command because of her!" Thinking to himself while glaring back in an attempt to startle her, but failed as she remained looking back no afraid of his current power level despite being permanently stuck in his white tiger form.

"Wow, she really is being very good girl hasn't she, Ebba? No kicking or crying. If she keep this up then I think it's only fair that she gets a prize, what do you think?" Goku said interrupting the stare down Nova was having with Aku which proved that his intentions were no longer interesting anymore and wanted to be praised instead as her tail slightly wagged upon hearing his words.

"Sure.. Anyway, have you guys got a lock on his KI yet? We haven't got all day" Ebba replied wanting to know how much longer they have to cope with this even though the traveling is good for muscles and stamina growth, but he was unsure of how patient Nova can be before getting grouchy. However lucky for them the planet the evil lord was on wasn't far allowing them to instantly transmission there without a problem before appearing in front a silent looking village surprised that it hasn't been destroyed yet.

"I haven't got a good feeling about this" Vegeta stated as Xzander made himself known in his highest form seeing 5 of them standing there confidently with no ounce of fear ruing through them while the twins made intense eye contact.

"Brother. What brings you here? I am a little too busy to be fighting as I have destroying to do" Xzander said aiming his palm straight at the village that rested peaceful in front of them not aware of the future that is in store for them charging his attack for a life killing attack.

"Don't think about it. I will get you back from what you've done to both our people and my wife's bloodline. Your death should be excruciating and slow while you beg me for mercy" Ebba replied in a cold tone as he put Nova down allowing her to rush over to Goku hiding behind him as the two Gods had a glare down.

However this reply made Xzander laugh historically knowing that his brother didn't have the guts to kill him let alone punish him so demonically. "Nice joke, brother. But I have to cut this one short as I have a lot of things planned and your death isn't far off from it.. You have to be patient" He replied with a evil grin before blasting a power attack at the village as Goku vanished leaving Nova in the open using his combined power of SSJ5 and MUI to catch and hit the blast into orbit causing it to explode brightening the sky with illuminating light for 7 seconds before dimming out. This intrigued Xzander greatly on how this Saiyan grew so powerful to block let alone redirect one of his attacks for the sake of the innocent while out hero glared coldly at the evil God that stood before him. "Not bad Son Goku, but I don't plan on fighting you so soon as the power I wanna see hasn't been brought out and isn't worth my time. However, *looks at Nova* my sweet little niece we have unfinished business to attend to" He replied before randomly appearing behind her grabbing her by the hair holding the poor kid up as some sort of hostage and prize as she was important to not just them, but to the plan on taking out Xzander. 

Unknown bloodline..Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt