Chapter 16

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With in the realm of Toreo the secret gatekeeper training was going according to plan as she sat there with both legs crossed, eyes closed shut in silence as her fingers were currently intertwined as if she was meditating, but really she was a alternate reality in the same place she was currently at connecting to a dark presence that instantly revealed itself cold hearted, deadly and dangerous by the looks of it. In her mind she was standing awake staring at the demon seeing it's oddly familiar appearance it resembled of her blood mother and yet it's hair was now black as well as it's tail too while the eyes remained a stunning pale blue copying her every move just like a mirrored reflection.

"Until you defeat this demon, you won't be able to leave so don't go easy on it and show me what you've got kid" Toreo claimed using telekinesis giving Nova an obvious explanation on how she can escape this place in her mind he put her in while she remained sat in a meditated stance as he sat in front of her watching carefully with his eyes closed as well observing everything in the side lines where nothing can sense his Ki to ensure his pupils survival and success.

"I can fight it.. like for real? What would happen if I die here?" She questioned still slightly puzzled staring at the Neoma looking demon that stood right before her very eyes as if she was real.

"If you die here, you'll die in real life and the bad thing about that is your family wouldn't be able to bring you back as your soul will be absorbed by the demon... tragic, but true" He replied in a sympathetic tone as he saw many others fall down the same path against their own demons. "Just don't die here.. it's a very negative place one that you shouldn't be apart of" He added as Nova nervously gulped seeing a fake Neoma silently glaring at her from a distance until the connection between Nova and Toreo leaving him only to watch and wait until the demon has been slain.

"It's either kill or get killed.. in my case I can't let this demon get me as everyone is depending on me.. I can't let them down?!" Nova yells in her mind preparing to fight this demon no matter if it was really Neoma or not as they never really had a motherly-daughter bond.

"Oh, my sweet child, what has those meddling Saiyans done to your innocent mind? Filling it with their selfish desires to fight and conquer planets. How can you stand being around them? They're filthy animals! You know they're gonna end up abandoning you one day" The demon spoke acting as if it knew her Saiyan like family, but really it has no clue on how great these monkeys have become throughout the years of fighting and protecting Earth from the rain of evil.

"SHUT UP?! You know nothing about my family! You're just a cheep knock off version of my blood mother. Both of my mothers are married to Saiyans! You know nothing about them nor about their races as not every monkey is mindless, aggressive, impulsive nor evil. I am too in love with a Saiyan so why don't you return back into your base form and fight me fairly.. oh wait you can't because you're a demon your kind doesn't play fair, does it?" Nova snapped back giving the demon a taste of its own medicine as it was true in her case making it growl furling the beast with rage dashing towards her full throttle with murderous intentions.

"You're weak! It's pathetic?!" It roared as the two clashed in intense combat refusing to lose at all cost. Nova was struggling to keep her distance as the demon kept on attacking again, again and again refusing to give her any time to react giving the pain in every punch it delivered leaving a sting behind like a poison jab stunning it's opponent showing no signs of hesitation in every jab.

"How is it effecting me like this? Every hit I take stings and paralyses my every move! but how?!" Nova thought stunk standing there unable to move a muscle for proximately 5 minutes max and even when she got that single second to try and move at least a finger the bastard always came rewinding the clock making her suffering even longer than it has to be which was beginning to piss her off ripping the Gi mother had made her especially the pastel blue undershirt. "You..YOU?!" She growled under her breath glaring at the demon with this rage filled eyes as she began to slowly forcing her head forward catching the demon completely off guard as it looked dumbfounded at what it was witnessing.

Unknown bloodline..Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz