Chapter 21

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Riaura's PoV:
I can't bear feeling like this anymore even though it has only been a month since the tournament ended and I have only 2 weeks left until Nova's wedding day arrives, but if I continue feeling I'll I won't be able to go as her maid of honour and she'll surely hate me for it. Great whats should I do? I don't even know what's happening to me anymore!

Laying on my bed staring at the ceiling thinking of what could be up with me and yet the obvious ones always seemed to slip my mind. "Riaura" mum called my name as my bedroom door opened allowing her to enter seeing me still stuck in bed. "Why don't you get out of your room and get some fresh air? Let me remind you Nova's special day is coming up and I don't think she wants her maid of honour to be tired and baggy eyed" she was right maybe some fresh air could do me some good.

"Alright.. I'll have a walk and see if that'll make me feel better" I replied getting up from my bed which was a mistake as soon as I got onto my feet my mind went fuzzy and my legs went jelly pulling me back down on the bed holding my head.

"Nausea? Riaura.. what really happened when you met that Prince your father mentioned?" She caught on very quickly which isn't good so maybe I can think of something and quickly.

"What are you on about? What Prince?" I asked wanting to at least know what exactly father had told her and maybe some of the lies like how he left me alone so he can fight some warriors which I can't blame him since I too wanted to get back into action.

"Alvar I think it was? Whatever it is your father said he tried to touch you! Is this true?" Yelling like always I plugged my ears hating that screeching noise even though I'm used to it by now and yet now it's getting rather annoying.

"Alright I slept with him! Is that better mum? Someone changed my calendar and because of that I wasn't able to take my pill and prevent it from happening since father left me to continue fighting in that stupid tournament!..
There is said it" I guess the truth came out leaving her shocked in silence and yet her expression was more concerned than angry as she pulled me into a hug.

"My poor baby. Please tell me it's a lie!" She begged even though it wasn't a lie Alvar did have his way with me and yet here I am unsure of what he gave me, disease? Virus? Please don't be an STD anything else, but not that. "I'm going to kill that Prince and your father! He shouldn't have left you alone like that, you need to take a test just in case. Just stay here I'll be right back" I nodded as she quickly bolted out leaving me on my own once again. So I'm not going on that walk she wanted me to go on? Hm, human women confuse me sometimes.

I waited for like 10 minutes until she came rushing back in grabbing my wrist yanking me into the bathroom locking the door behind us as she stood and kept on guard for any nosy boys that lurk about. "Remind me exactly what you want me to do?" I asked as she sighed pulling out a pregnancy test from her lab jacket which surprised me I can't possibly be pregnant, could I?

"Just do it, please. Even if it turns out to be positive I'll be there for you just like a mother should be for their child, so don't be afraid" mum was kind especially to her family as she turned around allowing me to do what I need to do and waited for the result which I was nervous about.

"What do you think father would say? Will he hate me? Think I'm a disgrace for allowing this to happen?" I mumbled on afraid of being hated by anyone in the family especially the ones that been there for me from the very beginning.

"What?! Why would you think that? Your father would never think that of you and even if he did I'll knock some sense into him!" She confidently said with a smile making me chuckle knowing that she would since it's chicks before dicks anyway. "Now that's better to see other than that heartbreaking frowning" I can feel the tension afraid to look at the test so I let my mother do it for me as she gasped making it pretty clear that this was the reason why I am feeling so shitty.

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