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"What's your drama?"

Lisa declined Jennie's offer of beer. She had just come from the doctor and her pregnancy test was positive. She was two months pregnant.

“It’s nice to emote while you’re drinking, Lisa. Try to say I'm right. With matching snacks to eat."

"The morning drinking session is what you're planning, Jen."

"Your morning is just as dramatic," she replied. “What’s really your problem, Lisa? Start the story because I can see in your face, it's long counseling."

"I-I'm pregnant, Jen," she admits. Before she went there she decided to tell her the story. She needs to let go of how she feels because otherwise her chest will explode.

Jennie was momentarily stunned. After sipping a beer she lined up.

“What’s the problem if you’re pregnant? Haven't you wanted to get pregnant again for a long time? Oh, there, grace has been given to you. Why is your face  still looks like it's Good Friday?"

"It's still a problem,"s he said.

"Wait, did your plan to have artificial insemination go ahead?"

She nodded sadly. "Yes, but I had a miscarriage. Sorry, ha. I haven't shared with you about that. I was very depressed at the time. I'm going crazy with grief. "

"God, you really are. If you're that sad, you need me even more. What are you? Change your habit like that, witch. You’re shocking, ha. You got pregnant and had a miscarriage, I didn't even know. You’re really serious!” She suddenly screamed.

"What are you, Jen? Your neighbors might think, a thief got you in here," she scolded her.

“Sorry, I was just excited. Because if you don't do artificial insemination, it means that baby is made from a natural process. " She screamed again. “I mean, you’ve tasted God’s cooking again, witch. Win, Lalisa, witch! "

“If you don’t define your opinions, I’m leaving, Jennie. I'll just find someone else to talk to."

“You, on the other hand, are very sensitive. All right, I'll be fine," she replied. "Why are you in trouble? You have already been given what you asked for, as if you still have a complaint. That is why the Lord is also confused with our people. The number of our requests. Then, when we are given, we still complain," she litany, then chuckled. 

"Won't you ask who the father of the one I'm carrying is?"  

"Do I know?"

She could not answer.

"OMG! There's only one guy I know who wants to be the father of the child you're going to take."

It was only then that she remembered that she had told her that she planned to talk to Taehyung to become her sperm donor. 

"Kim Taehyung is the daddy of your baby?"

She nodded.

"So what's your problem? You can be assured that your baby will inherit good genes."

"It's complicated," she said, then sighed.

"Wow. That dialogue of yours is friendster. Win!"

She was just serious when Lisa closed her eyes.

"What's your problem, Lisa? Honestly, I don't see any problem because first of all, Taehyung is really your choice to be the father of your future child, right? Your wish has come true."

"I'm in love with Taehyung, Jen."

“Oh, what’s the problem there? It's okay because your baby is made out of love. Your product will be better."

"He doesn't love me." Her voice trailed off. As she traveled out she accepted it for herself. Chest pain, but she had no choice but to swallow that fact.

"You know...."

"He only feels sisterly love for me..."

“Something happened to you and Taehyung, I mean, he coveted you too. Then you're not really blood relatives so it's not impossible for him to love you."

"They're together now with his girlfriend." She held back the threatening tears from her eyes. Ahe forcefully dismissed the scenario that was popping into her mind. She imagined intimate scenes between Roseanne and Taehyung.

“Wait, why is there a girlfriend in the scene? Did I think that Taehyung was single and available?"

"That's also what I thought..."

“That’s a problem,” she said. But she was discouraged for a moment. "But she's just a girlfriend. As for you, you will be the mother of Taehyung's child. You play a heavier role in Taehyung's life so let's not lose hope."

She only answered with a sigh at her friend's optimism. That's why she went there after she recovered from OB-Gyne because of her character who never loses hope in life. "Pollyana among the hopeless," that's what she called her. She liked her positive outlook in life. She hopes that she will be infected with her perspective and uplift her spirit about them and Taehyung.

"What did he tell you after you fucked? Isn't he even willing to hold you accountable?"

"He wants to marry me when I'm pregnant..."

“That happened anyway. If that's his YPM for you— "

"What is YPM?"

"Yes, Promise Me," she replied.

She simply did not contradict the new meaning she gave to those initials.

"Anyway, if that's what Taehyung told you, don't worry. Because of that man’s fiber, it looks like he has a word. So make sure I'm the maid of honor at your wedding."

She did not say a word.

But only now did she know that she would not be infected by her good outlook on life because she still felt very defeated.

She knew at the back of her mind that she was on the losing end. Because her conscience can't tie Taehyung to her either. She was not that selfish.

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