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Ever since the artificial insemination procedure was performed on Lisa, Taehyung has been calling her regularly to greet her. Like her, he is also very excited and hopes that their procedure will be successful.

After about a month and a half, she felt something strange in her body. She was nauseous and always dizzy. She immediately called Taehyung to let him know.

"I've been always dizzy for days, Taehyung." she said "I think, I'm pregnant!"

“Well, I hope so. We need to go to your doctor for a test. "

Together they went to Dr. Yang's clinic. The doctor reported well after she examined her. "We got it! You're seven weeks pregnant, Lisa."

With great pleasure Lisa burst into tears. Taehyung hugged her, sharing her joy.

"Taehyung, I'm going to be mommy again!" she says. "And I'm going to be a daddy!"

She blinked at him, then smiled. Anyone who sees them will assume they are a normal couple excited about the first baby. 

Dr. Yang looked at them kindly. "Lisa, I'll give you the medicines and vitamins you need to take, okay?" she said afterward.

"Yes, Doc."

"And every week you have to come here for your regular check-up until your fifth month so we can make sure the baby is fit." 

"Sure, Doc."

When they left the clinic, Taehyung held his hand. "This calls for a celebration. What if we have lunch at ###. I miss the japchae. "

She frowned. "I haven't been there yet, ah. Where is that?"

"You haven't really been there yet."

"When did you go there?"

"A few months ago."

"Which witch is with you?"

He laughed. "Roseanne. My friend from Australia. And she's not my 'witch'. She's the only one who likes me."

There seemed to be a slight pain in her chest, but she quickly ignored it. What is happening to her?

"So what?" Taehyung asked.

She frowned. "I don't want to go there. Let's just have lunch with somewhere else."

"Wait! Why are you like that, huh? You seem to be jealous of that situation, eh." he said laughing.

"No? Not because you are the father of what I'm bringing, is not that I have a rights to be jealous. Then I don't have that jelly-jelly factor in my DNA. "

He smiled. "Like we talked about, no strings attached, right?"

She nodded. He didn't know if the sadness he read in its eyes was correct. But deep inside her, she didn’t like what he said.

Her hormones were really attacking. She's going insane.

"So what? Where do you want to have lunch? "

"Let's just go home to my apartment. Let's just take out some food. I want chicken now. I want chicken butt." 

He scratched his nape. "Fuck, chicken butt? Maybe our baby will look like a chicken's ass. "

"Just. I want one."

"It's your choice."

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