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Taehyung became very thoughtful in the following weeks. In Daegu they live again. It comes home from its daily commute to the office. She, on the other hand, did not look for a job again with the persuasion of her aunt.

She amused herself by learning the various recipes her aunt taught. She said she needs to learn to cook for her future family. She indulged her aunt.

"Wow! Just at the front door, I can already smell the fragrant you're cooking," Taehyung said.

She turned to him. He was in the kitchen opening and staring at her. She looked at the wall clock hanging on the wall. "You are so early."

It was only five o'clock. That's when he usually goes out of the office so he usually goes home at seven o'clock on weekdays.

“I talked to someone near here. I won't go back to the office then," he stepped closer to her. "What's the menu?"

She turned his back on him. She was afraid that he might see her intense longing for him. Since they came from Thailand they have never been alone again. And she had been missing him like hell.

She dreams of him almost every night.

"What is that?" he asked.

She almost jumped when she felt his breath behind her ear. It sent shivers down her spine. That revived the sensation she had been trying to forget for a long time. Of course, they could not do it in their house.

And she's not sure if he wants to be with her again. Even though he was acting as her boyfriend, she knew that he was just showing it to his aunt and daddy.

“You haven’t answered. Is it too hard to say the name of your menu for dinner, Lisa?" he even held her by the waist.

"Kimchi," she replied.


She doesn't know if Taehyung appetize by what she's cooking or to herself. He pressed his face to the side of her neck. Pleasant creeps crawled all over her body. The fire from the stove seemed to have been transferred to hee body.

She could feel Taehyung's lips on her sensitive skin. He seemed to be tempted to open his mouth so the heat coming from his mouth intensified.

"Let's go out tomorrow, Lisa," he says.

"W-Where are we going?"

"Where we can talk we're just the two of us," he replied.

"In the park?" she said innocently.

"Can we kiss torridly there?"

My God! I will faint! Taehyung no longer hid his intention in inviting her.

He sighed before walking away from her. "Don't you feel any strange in your body, Lisa? It's been two months."

Her forehead furrowed. She immediately got what he meant. She thought quickly. She was so amused by their new setup that she did not realize that she had not had a period for two months.

"Well..." she whispered to him.

"I haven't had a period yet, Taehyung," she admits.

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