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"Are you in grade five, Lisa?" Taehyung asked. At that moment they were in the dining room while having dinner together.

Taehyung's dad and Lisa's aunt are business partners. They were discussing about their business and TaeTaehyung's dad invite them to have a dinner.

Taehyung's mom died when he was younger and Lisa's parents are dead too that's why she is living with her aunt.


"Ne, Taehyung" her reply.

"And it's always first honor at school, Taehyung" Lisa's aunt said proudly.

Taehyung's eyes twinkled. "Wow! Smart girl, huh"

"If you can imitate Lisa, son?" Taehyung's father said while looking at his son. "Even if you're in the top nine, I'm very happy." Taehyung scratched his head.

"Because computer games are the stuff of your brain "

"Daddy, I'm embarrassing to aunt and Lisa." Supposedly resentful Taehyung says.

Lisa's aunt laughed. "I didn't let Lisa play on computer. And she really didn't want to. The thing that she like is to read romance novels."

"Be careful, Lisa" Taehyung supposedly threatened "Maybe you can easily fall in love because of what you read then. Study first. Then there's love. "

"Hay, advises the sensible man!" Taehyung's dad laughed again. "While he is, the women pile up. The phone at home is like a hotline because more than ten women call there every day."

"Is it my fault if I'm handsome, daddy?" Taehyung asked, then burst out laughing. "You bequeathed the stone to me!"

Lisa was overjoyed in those moments. She treats Taehyung's dad and Taehyung like family.

Since then, they have become close to the father and son Every weekend they visit their house. When not eating out the four of them go for a walk. When summer cacation came that year, they went to jeju island. They had been staying in the two storey house they had rented there for two weeks.

She was not surprised when her aunt said that her boyfriend was Mr. Kim - and they have decided to get married.

Two months later, the private wedding was held at their aunt's house. Only close friends and relatives of both parties were invited to that very solemn occasion. Mr. Kim's two American brothers went home to attend the wedding, along with Taehyung's three cousins.

"Auntie and you will live with us. Daddy and I will be happy because we already have someone there." Taehyung said cheerfully as they eat side by side at the long table in the yard where the reception is held.

He was very handsome wearing black slacks and a white polo shirt. Lisa, on the other hand, wears a simple cut, but her beauty is still very evident, manifesting at a young age.

She's just as tall as Taehyung. She is five feet tall, but she still looks like a dwarf when the young man is next to her.

"My friends were sad when I said we were leaving the house" she said.

"You'll still see each other, eh. We'll always visit them. We'll send by Daddy's driver."


One week after the wedding, they moved into the Kim's house. Their maid Mary was left at their house in Busan to be a caretaker there. Her aunt offered to take her wife and a child with her so that she could have someone at home with her.

Lisa was happy because she saw the love and respect of Mr. Kim and her aunt to each other. Taehyung is also close to his aunt. He even kissed his stepmother before entering the school and when he came home in the afternoon. Taehyung is obviously eager for a mother's attention. He often mentions that in many ways his bereaved mother is the same as his aunt.

They do homework together in the study room next to the living room.

"Because your brain is full of girls, Taehyung" Supposedly preaching Lisa said that afternoon because he was complaining that he was too lazy to do homework.

He just smirk. "Wait, who do you like in them? Who do you think will pass your taste? Bianca, Harlene, Wendy, Ria, or Sam?"

For a moment she thought. "I don't like Bianca. The thickness of her makeup! Her snout is always red. "

"Eh, Harlene?"

"Hmmm..... It would be okay, but, super arrogant. The voice is always cute when when I answer the phone call. Not natural. Fakeu."

"Yeah. How about Wendy? Maybe you have nothing to criticize her for. She's okay with me. "

She pouted. "Is that okay with you? When you visit here at home, she's always wearing a miniskirt and you can almost see her groin? I once peeked at her black panties, eh. It's embarrassing!"

"That's okay, eh. Free show." he said smirking.

"Wait, Taehyung. Who among them is really your girlfriend?"

"Wendy, Harlene, and Ria."

he was surprised. "what? are they three?

His grin widened even more.

He was amazed here. "You mean those three know who your girlfriend is?"

"Of course not!" his glaring response. "I know how to hide it."

She shout. "oh my god, eh Bianca and Sam?"

"I'm just making a move. For sure, next week, Bianca will be my girlfriend."

"You're really a great playboy. Seriously!"

"It's my daddy's fault, he's too handsome so I inherited it."

She narrowed her eyes. "So arrogant!"

Taehyung laughed out loud.

sorry for the wrong grammars that I used
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