Chapter 25 (beach to mountains)

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Anmisha POV : 

As we reached goa shriya already sent a car for us. We reached their wedding venue . It is near to the beach. There we met lot of our old friends .we spoke about our school days and the pranks we did on teachers . All those mischievous things we have done and everything. It's nostalgic for a while. We spoke with everyone and when it is almost late night we went to sleep.

Next day is the wedding day, i got ready and went to shriya's room along with my other friends. After that we reaches the mandap (dias) soon the wedding completed and guests started dispersing. I signalled advaith he came towards me .

Me : happy married life shriya. Let's meet when we are free. I think i should be leaving now.

Shriya: what you just came yesterday. Why don't you stay till the reception? What important work you have other than my reception. 

Advaith : actually we have some business related work which shouldn't be kept aside so we should go.

Shriya : oh then please visit us when you are free. 

Me: sure and same goes to you. Congratulations again. Bye.

Shriya : bye.

Then we left to the airport. We are going through airway till bhuntar , then we have to meet the person about whom that old archeologist mentioned through sign language. After getting into the plane i soon drifted into sleep as it is 3hours travel. 

As i heard the announcement i woke up and settled myself. As the flight landed and we got out we are welcomed by a cold breeze. We took our luggage and checked into a hotel. After refreshing we went out for having food. As this place gets dark by 7.00 we went back to our hotel and slept.

Next day we got ready and went to meet that person about whom that bioarcheologist mentioned us, we asked for his house to people in our way and at last we reached. That house seems to be an old one but it's good.

As we went inside we are welcomed by middle aged  a lady probably his daughter or daughter in law. She told that she got information from the bioarcheologist's son about our arrival. She took us into a room. Probably her father's work space.

She gave us a file. And then she spoke,

That lady : merey  pithaji ek achhe vyakthi hai ! Merey pitha aushadheey paudhey kheliyey himalaya parvath par chadathey  hai! Mera pathi mera pitha key saath jathey hai! Ek din mera pitha aur mera pathi ek ....(weep)

(My father is a very good man. He used to climb himalaya mountains for getting medicinal plants. My husband used to help him. One day my father and my husband ....(weep) )

She stopped there and started crying. I consoled here and asked her to stay strong . I took the map from her and told her to be strong and left from there.


Advaith : this map seems pretty good. It's very informative. I think we can easily reach that place. 

Me : it looks easy but it's not. We should meet that monk after reaching there. We don't where exactly he lives. He is someone who is around 150 years old.

Advaith : 150years seriously. How can someone live for those many years?

Me:proper diet and life style without pollution.

Advaith : so, when we are going?

Me:tomorrow immediately after sunrise.

Advaith : then let's have some rest now.


Then we both had our food and went back to the hotel. Then we slept as we have to do a very big adventure tomorrow. If something happens then that's our last day.

Next day we woke up early and got ready. We took a jeep and travelled through Zoji pass one of the most adventurous road way which passes between india and tibet. When we reached the place , we got out of the jeep and then went by foot. As there is some lord shiva temple near to that place few other people are there along with us. As we walked till the temple, we prayed the god and left for our destination. After crossing the temple we have a km walk . As it is rainy season and not winter everyplace is not freezed  except the massive mountains. As we reached the point where we are supposed to meet that monk. We looked everywhere but we didn't find any livingbeing except few pine trees. As we searched around i saw a massive rock which is covered by dead pines. I felt there is something behind that. 

Me : advaith look there!

Advaith : what's that . It's just some dead pines on a rock.

Me: no there is something behind those pine's . Some path way may be.

Advaith : I don't think so. It's not our farm house for creating pathways. It's himalaya's the biggest mountain's . Who will make pathways in rocks here. 

Me : advaith why don't you understand. 

Saying that i went and looked behind those pines. Then advaith also came a looked behind it. Then a snake crawled out of it. We immediately moved away from there.

Advaith : what snake is that? 

Me: oligodon churahensis

Advaith : i never heard that name what snake is that?

Me: arey yaar google it afterwards.

Then i saw some more rocks in distance. I showed those rocks to advaith. We walked in that direction. Then we went behind and saw a hole.  We switched the torch lights on and walked into it . There as we walked we saw lot of dead bodies, some belong to humans and some belongs to animals. As we walked inside we heard some chants. As we slowly walked in that direction we saw that monk. Who is 150 years old. He slowly opened his eyes and smiled at us. He signalled us to come there. We went near him and signalled us to sit . We sat there. Then he started his slow chanting again.

After what felt like some hours he opened his eyes again. Then he started speaking,

Monk : are you a scientist ?

Me: yes guruji!

Monk : what are you expecting from me?

Me: actually i need some preserved genetic matter which belongs to the third type DNA. Which was mentioned in adharvana vedha.

Monk : did you read adharvana vedha?

Me : yes.

Monk : is that for gaining knowledge or information for your project?

Me : it's for gaining knowledge about my project and information about how i have to do that.

Monk : you have to wait for an hour . Then you can get that.

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