Chapter 47 ( stolen )⭐️

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Manya : where are you guys going ?

Anmisha : to clara's house. Do you wanna join us ?

Manya : what no !!

( manya dislikes clara )

Anmisha : then do your work. 

Advaith : hey manya ! Go and spend some time with anjali akka.

Manya : yeah i am going . Bye !

Mean while anmisha got a call from dr.subramaniam.

Anmisha : hello sir !

Dr.subramaniam : hello anmisha ! Sorry for missing your engagement. Actually there is something urgent. I need your presence and also advaith. If possible manya .

Anmisha : what happened sir ?

Dr.subramaniam : I can't explain that now . Come to my house as soon as possible.

Anmisha : manya ! 

Manya : what do you want ?

Anmisha : it's a call from subramaniam sir ! He is asking us to come as soon as possible.

Manya : wait what ! 

Advaith  dragged manya and anmisha started the car they went to his house .and advaith rang the calling bell. Dr.subramaniam opened the door and smiled at them. Advaith and anmisha touched his feet and his wive's and took blessings. Then they asked him what's the matter ?

Dr.subramaniam : the whole effort that we kept on that project is completely vain. That's what you guy's are feeling but . Now i got a complete well efficient methodology. But everything is stolen !!

Anmisha : what !! Who stole it.

Dr.subramaniam : you'll never believe it. If i tell who it is , it's arjun . Advaith it's your brother in law. He sold it to a chinese  scientist for 250 crores.

Advaith : what it can't happen. He is not that sort of person. Who back stabs us. He treats us like his siblings. And he is really a very ethical guy he won't agree for any deal which is of this sort. If he need money he could have asked us. I'm not going to believe. And what's this whole shit?. He is much more richer than me. 250 crores is not a big deal for him.

Anmisha : are you sure sir ! Even i think arjun anna won't do this.

Dr.subramaniam : i know you guys won't believe. Look at this.

Dr.subramaniam showed a secret transaction copy of 250 crores given in the form of bitcoins and arjun's signature. Then he showed a video where arjun's PA is entering dr.subramaniam's lab and stealing it.

Manya : i never thought he is this sort of human. We should tell this to anjali akka immediately.

Anmisha : wait ! We can't just get to a conclusion with this. We have to crosscheck. Maybe his PA have done that . Who knows ? But we have to keep an eye on arjun anna.

Dr.subramaniam : maybe your'e right in one way. But if someone else uses this formula and the project is patented, we can't do anything. 

Advaith : it won't happen sir and it can't happen.

Anmisha called clara and asked her to come immediately. The trio and dr.subramaniam started searching all the archives  of cctv footage to check if he came to that place anytime before that.

Anmisha : hey it's arjun anna's PA. He came here before 2 months. 

All turned towards the screen . Arjun's PA is recording a video of dr.subramaniam's house  in his phone. As the security camera's are arranged secretly he didn't observe them. Here we have a clear proof that he is involved in it.

Advaith : idiot ! Misha call arjun anna. I have a plan.

Anmisha : what's that ?

Advaith : let's go to our designing store and tell arjun bava  to come there by saying that we are designing  something for akka and baby .

Anmisha : that's a good thing to call him. But what we are going to do , with him along with us?

Advaith : i'll tell you . First call him.

Advaith : sir i messaged keshava ! He'll be hear in few minutes. You along with ma'am and your grand daughter are supposed to stay at our house for few days. Trust me that's the safest place.

Dr.subramaniam : but don't you think it will be suspicious if we suddenly come and stay at your place ?

Anmisha : sir ! Any how my parents are inviting you from a longtime. So, it won't be a suspicion and yeah as our wedding is going to be held soon. There are lot of guests.

Manya : akka move ! (Loud scream )

Suddenly a bullet was shot into the person's abdomen and he felt down. All looked at the person who shot him . And they are shocked to see him there.


Guess who is dead ?

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