Chapter 16 (attack)

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Advaith POV: 

After having dinner we started watching a film. But anmisha drowsed off . I made her sleep properly on the couch. And I sat on the floor. After the film ended Manya went and slept . I sat in the Same position because , if she moves in her sleep she will fall down.soon I drifted into sleep.

When I heard her scream and some noise . I saw some intruder who hit her on her head and she felt down.last thing that I did was screaming her name. When she felt down I moved towards her and catched that intruder. I am able to knock him out. But, soon many people got inside through the back door. I fought with them but one of them attacked me with a knife and my hand is injured. Then an other person kicked me in my gut and felt down.when they brought knife towards anmisha's throat I heard bullet sound. That's a cop. I felt a little relieved. Those intruders started running away and cons tables are following them. I gathered my energy and moved towards anmisha whose head is bleeding heavily. Last thing I could ask god is 'I want anmisha to be safe.' Then I remembered Manya, I told inspector about her. When he went into her room he saw her who is lying lifelessly.

Inspector called an ambulance and soon we are taken to hospital. Then I closed my eyes praying for anmisha.

Author POV: 

After some time Manya and advaith are treated and they are fine. But, they hit anmisha very hardly so, still doctors are operating her. Manya kept on cursing herself saying her parents died by saving her and now  her sister who gave her a family is fighting death. She felt she is a bad omen.

She looked at advaith who is acting strong but crying internally. She can see his love for anmisha. She went towards him and sat beside him. She placed a hand on his shoulder.

Manya: she will be alright advaith. She is a fighter. 

Advaith : I hope !

Manya: but how they entered into our house?

Advaith : they killed our watchman and they destroyed  the back door which need some  minor repairs. It seems that someone helped them.

Manya : who will help them?

Advaith : I don't know. But something is really wrong.

Manya: yes! Thank god you called cops at right time.

Advaith: it's not me. It's anmisha who called them. She detected  the danger and intimated him. She don't know that they already entered into our, she is searching for something defendory. But they hit her with a rod. And then he knocked her to the wall. So, she is badly injured.

Manya: she is such a woman . I want my sister to be safe and sound. 

Advaith : do you know anything about those people . With whom you fought against about the serum.

Manya: that idiot's daughter is my bestfriend in college. But after knowing about these I cut my ties .

Advaith : will you please say me what exactly happened between you two and them?

Manya explained everything and advaith listened with a poker face. Then doctors came out of the operation theatre .

Doctor: hello mister advaith ! She is safe. But we have to keep her in observation for a day. Then she should be a little careful. Thankfully there is no internal injury. Only her tissue damaged and she will be fine.

Advaith: thank you doctor.

Doctor: take care! Even you need rest.

Inspector: hello advaith! How is she?

Advaith: she is fine sir! She need some rest.

Inspector: we are able to catch few of them . They are highly trained killers. We need to check your house for some more clues .

Advaith: ok sir! You can.

Inspector :ok! What are you doing in their house?

Advaith: Misha is best friend since I am kid . I live in the house which is behind their house. My parents are out to a village. So, I am staying in her house. 

Inspector: did you inform your families?

Advaith: No sir! I don't want them to be tensed . They will be out almost for a week. So, let them be at peace till that time.

Inspector: mister. Advaith! Do you know anything about what your friend is trying to do? Her aim is ununderstandable. Being a cop who should protect the people. I am saying this, she did a great job by saving world from those educated idiots. She denied public respect. She said she don't want to expose herself as a hero. And want to be the same simple girl. The whole credit came to police department. People like her are very rare in these days. If you guys need any help then I am there for you ? I have to leave now. Take care.

Advaith & Manya: ok sir! Thank you!

Nurse: excuse me! Doctor said that you can visit her. But only one person can visit her at once.

Advaith : I want to see her!

The he looked at Manya. She nodded in agreement. Eventhough she want to see her , she can't  stop him because, she can see love in his eyes for her. Not just care. Advaith went into the ICU and he got tears seeing her on the bed without conscious .her head is plastered. She is connected lot of devices. Slowly anmisha opened her eyes. He went towards her and sat beside her on the bed. They both looked at eachother.the he suddenly hugged her tightly .she snuggled closer as she can't hug back. He kissed her forehead. And she kissed him on his cheek. Both in unison, said the three magical words which they want to say since they are kids.

They said I LOVE YOU.

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