Chapter 35 (innocent )

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As i kept on punching the wall . I stopped it when i saw bruises on my knuckles. Then i sat on the bed and thought for a while. I kept my dream aside and planned to go to USA. But then when uncle told that advaith is coming with me. I am not ok with this . I want some space. I want to be alone. I want to think and decide about my after plans. But now i have to be with this man 24/7. Even though if we are in a relationship still i need some time to figure out about what i am supposed to do after my phD. I kept on thinking and suddenly got up and moved towards the cabinet that have cookie packets . I opened a packet and started eating . After eating i slept as i want some sleep after such a long day.


Whatever i may think of doing turns up side down. I felt like i need me time for a while as i have to find out why dr.subramaniam wantedly told anmisha that we can't succeed in it with transposons. He is hiding something and he is trying to protect t us. I have to know everything. But now i am helpless. When anmisha told that me or someone related me are doing all these. I yelled at her but what she said was real. That bastard did everything. He almost killed anmisha. 

But now i am going along with anmisha and i am going to study along with her. I never thought i will be doing this because of my father's order. At the age of 25 i am being a li'll boy who obey's dad's orders. I know anmisha was equally disturbed because of everything that is happening. But in a way we being away from all these drama's will be good for everyone. 

I heard my room door opening that's my dad. He came and sat beside me.

Govind : adhi are you angry on me ?

Me : no nanna  . I am angry on myself.

Govind : don't speak like that. And even I don't want to hurt misha. She is getting into troubles because of her good nature. Who cares if this world is going to be destroyed. Literally no one. But she saved the world from that cruel family. 

Me : yes nanna! That's why she is a gem. She is amazing. She is always perfect. 

Govind : i can sense some jealousy.

Me : yes nanna ! I am jealous of her, since i am kid even though i am very good at studies sports and everything she used to be the one who get's attention. Because she used to score first and me second in academics. At home she used to charm everyone with her charismatic behaviour.

Govind : but i know that you love her. I know everything about you two.

Me :what ! 

Raghava : even i know everything.

Janaki : even me .

Lakshmi : me also.

Anjali : I excepted this and it happened for real.

Me : what are you guys just speaking ?

Manya : stop covering it. I told them everything.

Me : be ready for your death li'll girl.

Manya : ok old man. Now i am going . Bye.

Raghava : we don't have any problem with your relationship . You guys can do whatever you want but never mess with anyone.  

 Me : thanks uncle. Yes we wont get into any trouble again. And thank you everyone for your support. Now I want some space.

Lakshmi : ok we are going. Janu come.

Janaki : yeah i am coming.

Then everyone left and i locked the door and went for getting a bath. After i came back i saw a missed call from misha. I called her again.

Me :hello misha !

Misha : advaith manya told me about everything. 

Me : yeah that stupid told them.

Misha : that's ok, anyway i am planning to tell them everything tomorrow. But she did that .

Me : oh. What are you doing?

Misha : actually i am sleeping but i woke up because of manya who banged my door loudly.

Me : oh ! Can we go out. Or really they are house arresting us.

Misha : I don't know. 

Me : i am coming to you. 

Misha : ok.

Then i cut the call and came out. 

Govind : are you done with your me time ?

Advaith : yeah ! Is that house arrest for real or just word sake.

Govind : you guys can go out only if you promise me that none of you will interfere in anything and  wont get into your scientist modes.

Advaith : i am promising you .

Janaki : we want a promise even from that mad girl

Misha : even i am promising. I can't stay in house. It's very suffocating.

Lakshmi : really ! Go and get some oxygen from outside. 

Misha : that's what i am going to do aunty. Bye people. 

Me : wait i am coming.

Misha : ok.

Then we both went to her room. She took her car keys and I followed her. Then she came inside again. 

Misha : get the bag that you have packed for going to paris. 

Me : what are you serious ? Are we going to paris now.

Misha : yes . But not to paris.

Me : then where ?

Misha : i will tell you. Inform the two middle aged couple and those 2 girls.

I went into my house and told my parents .

Govind : now you are her's . She can decide for you if you're ok with her taking your decisions.

Me : ok. I am going with her. 

I saw everyone taking it normally cause they are habituated to our craziness since we were kids. Then we took a cab and left to airport. Then i saw the tickets for kashi in her hands. What the hell she is planning.

Me : misha are we going to kashi ?

Misha : yes

Me : we are going to temple right .

Misha : yeah we are going to temple also.

It means we are going to that place where i thought she will go.

Me : are you going there ?

Misha : where ?

Me : that place.

Misha : which place ?

Me : vaidhyaranyah.

Misha : i am obviously going there.

Me : then what about the promise?

Misha : i promised them that I won't get into trouble and wont do any research about that genetic material. But i can go and find answer's for those questions right.

Me : which questions ?

Misha : hallucination's and that symbol.

Me : ok. 

The we heard the announcement and we went and boarded the plane.

Misha : do you know something?

Me : what's that ?

Misha : you are too innocent .

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