Chapter 32 ( traitor )

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who are immortal ?  Why this book have empty pages?. When did i but this book ? These all questions Started occurring in my in my brain. I felt like someone is stalking us. I felt someone's presence. I drank water and tried to calm myself . I don't know why but everything went blank and i collapsed .



When i opened my eyes i am lying on the bed. There is a wet cloth on my forehead .And advaith is trying to contact someone but he is unable to do that. It is raining outside. Not just a normal rain but a little heavy one. But as our place is little near to forest. It is not suggestible to go back now. Even if i try to speak with advaith I don't have any energy to speak. 

I gathered my energy and called advaith. He looked at me and came towards me. 

Advaith : mishu ! Finally you woke up. You got fever . It reads 100 F. Take rest. You will be ok.

Misha : umm.

Advaith : get up and sit. Have your food.

He made me to sit and started feeding the soup. When i said i am full he kept the bowl aside and made me to sleep. He sat beside me on the bed.

Advaith : misha i think we are getting hallucinations because of over thinking. 

Misha : if that's because of overthinking then only i would get . But you don't even know anything about this prismic nucleic acid regeneration theory before. May be it is because of someone's foul plan against us. 

Advaith : why so ?

Misha : advaith i think someone is stalking us. Maybe someone who is really close to us. Someone whom we meet regularly and whose presence is very common in our daily life. That person is trying to harm me indirectly , or kill me . That person must be someone related you or may be you.

Advaith : what did you just say, with all those point's that you told at first i would agree with them. But the last word that you said broke my heart. I heard this phrase 'piercing in heart' but felt something like that  for the first time. Woman you have gone mad. You became like all those people who don't use their brain.

Misha : advaith try to understand the point. I know how much you love me. But try to get the point about which i am indicating. Once think carefully since the time when you came back i am able to sensing something . I am feeling like someone is stalking at us. 

Advaith : seriously writer's should learn from you. The way you cook up stories literally wonderful. First you told that i am trying to kill you. Then covering it up. But still my love for you never fades away.

Misha : advaith listen.

Advaith : i am leaving. Lock the door properly.and yeah everyone is right i am just a negative energy in this ms.perfect's life. 

Misha :advaith please listen to me. You are misunderstanding. You know right. Those words about you being my negativity  are trash.

Before i woke  up from the bed and went behind him but couldn't match his phase as i am sick and still my head is spinning. He opened the main door and looked at me with wet eyes and closed the door before i could get down from the stairs. As i went towards the main door to stop him suddenly power went off. He drove away by that time. Everything is dark around me. I coul hear wolves making sound. I went inside and closed the door. I walked inside slowly. But i hit my leg to a table and i felt down. I got up and started walking slowly and i reached the cabinet which have torch. I switched it on and went into my room for getting my mobile. As i am climbed the stairs i saw a shadow. I looked around and went into my room and searched for my mobile. But I didn't find it and then i went into the study room and saw my mobile on my table. I took it and called advaith but he didn't answer . I called again and he didn't answer it. I thought of not calling him repeatedly as he is driving may be he is driving faster  because  of his anger on me. Then i sat on the couch.

The reason why said that is because the only enemies she have are leena and devendranath. Now they are in jail . The criminal group who are supposed to be helping them can't take risk because Indian government is on a hunt for them . That attack at my house is done by some thieves or may be really a person is stalking me. I spoke like that with advaith because I don't him to get into a trouble because of me . But he is adamant. Even i want his  presence  beside me but I can't risk his life .  

I started thinking about all those people whom i met in these past few month's. the one who got more information about me and my life is manya but I can't doubt her cause, to be frank she is dumb. She is intelligent , bubbly and cute . But she is very innocent and don't have an idea about negative ideologies. Then i met some of my college mates and business associates. But, clara is she the one . I am getting a strong feeling that she is the one who is doing this because even she is working on some project. May be even she is working on PNA regeneration. And she is way more merit student than me. She must have read a lot of books and did a lot of research i could sense this with her way of speaking and her potential in words, not because of her top 1 place in college.

But does she really have time for plotting against someone. But then i felt an object moving. I cleared my brain and slowly walked out. I saw a man who is hiding behind a bookshelf in my library. Then it's a guy or a guy who is appointed by any of these girl's whom i met in last few months.I took slowly walked towards my cupboard  and opened the sedative box and took out laboratory anesthesia bottle and a syringe . I loaded the syringe . And held it in my left hand and then slowly went towards him. Then that man saw me and he came towards me. He held my neck and pinned me to the wall and twisted my hand and he isn't aware of the syringe. Then with my other hand i tried to push him.he balanced himself and moved a little towards the left. Then i saw his face in that little light that i got from those thunder's . When i saw his face i am shocked but .This idiot how i forgot him. My assumption is almost right it's someone  related to advaith . I kicked him in his stomach and twisted his hand and injected the sedative into his cranial nerve. I pushed him and he felt on the floor. I checked him and he is unconscious. I felt relieved. But next second anger rushed through my body and i kicked him again and called inspector keshav. But his phone is switched off. Then again i called advaith. But he is not answering my phone .i don't want to disturb other's because they are of no use in this type of situations other than getting panicked and making me panic. I can't call 100 because, i should face media and they will persuade and make a public display of my face and my lab. Then i remembered something.



I stopped the car a little away from the highway and kept on staring at the sky.When anmisha spoke like that my heart ached. A lump formed in my throat and indirectly i got tears in my eyes because of pain. I never thought she will say this. I could take anything but not her speaking about me harming her. Even if she forgot that incident i could never forget that day where she almost died because of me. 

(Once when we are 14 years old we went to araku valley. There we two are roaming around and bantering .Then I suddenly slipped and i've fallen on her. Then she lost balance and almost felt down from a height of 300meters. She held on to the edge of the cliff. Then some other's came and helped her. Even on that day she didn't feel scared. She just felt tense. Whereas i started panicking and crying. Then people from my dad's friends families who came along with us to the trip told that  i am a negative energy to her and she is perfect in everything. Then she shut them up saying them I am her best friend and her positivity . But everyone mocked me reminding other  incidents where i caused trouble's to her. Once i would accidentally lit up the room in which she is sleeping and once i made a cut on her hand. Then i started overreacting and sometime's i used to get possessive on her and sometimes i used to stop her from doing somethings. I used to check everything related to her. I used to make sure she is safe all the time. But she always used to tell me that i am overthinking. Is she right . Am i wrong. )

Then i got a beep sound from my phone. It's anmisha who sent me a video. I kept on ignoring her calls and messages. But why she sent a video. As i opened it the first thing i saw is someone's body . It's a guy. Who seem's familiar. He is lying unconscious..when she moved the camera towards his face my phone battery got dead and it switched off. I connected the car usb to my mobile and then switched it on. I drove back and cursed myself for being a stupid. As the ohone switched on i opened the video and saw that person's . She is right. Misha is right. I am a certified stupid. That person is none other than...

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