Chapter 4 ( curiosity)

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Next day as usual I have done my morning routine and reached the lab and started setting up the materials and instruments in the place allotted to me. As there are small separate cabins for everyone we don't need to worry about some people who try steal others information. I started working on it and my task is to find out the progenic variations of the given virus. But I don't know why I got this virus as my trial material whereas others got some normally found  species . 

As I am analysing it my brain wandered in the bioworld . I am really very keen and curious to know what is happening in that lab . But I can't dare going there. So, sighing I immersed in my work and finished my today's work and started reading a book . Then I left the place and the same routine continued for the whole week . Finally I am done with my project and our group report. We are very confident that we are going to succeed in this. 

Soon the our task is done and also our college graduation day. So, I thought of relaxing for a while because after that I have to shop for my graduation ceremony. But then I realised that I forgot my phone there . So, immediately I went to the laboratory but my bad luck it is closed and the gate is locked . But I can hear some voices in the compound . As I am tall i can easily climb the wall and jump but they arranged electric wires on the walls so , that no one can jump. 

But I should get my mobile back . Suddenly I saw that there is a back entrance for it. As I went towards the gate I realised that it is for shipping vehicles . Suddenly an idea popped in my brain . I sneaked into a van and went into the lab. As I walked towards my work space I noticed that everything is dark  , if I switch the lights on definitely they will notice me . So, I slowly walked towards my table and took my phone. Then in the same way I sneaked out again . As it is a newly constructed building Security camera's are not yet arranged.

Again I thought of sneaking out in the same way but the back gate is also closed. Then I realised that I am struck here. And no one is there for helping me. But then I noticed some people walking into laboratory an entrance which is not usually used. Then I noticed the same old scientist. I slowly followed them and saw a familiar girl with them she is non other than Leena , one of the two girls who are selected along with me. Shock is an understatement for my reaction. But what she is doing here and also along with that scientist. 

Then I heard her calling the scientist ' pappa' oh my god is she his daughter. I slowly listened to there conversation , they are speaking about the same virus. 

Scientist : beti! I am almost done with it. soon I am going to take my revenge . 

Leena: superb pappa! I know you are amazing . Now our country realises your worth. 

Scientist: this tube contains the most powerful virus in the world . Those who are infected will get into my control and listen to me. 

Suddenly I felt a tap on my shoulder . God I am caught.

BOOK 1 -THE LAB STORY ( under editing)Where stories live. Discover now