54 - Boys night out

Start from the beginning

"Here's what's going to happen," Brittany told us the plan when we reached the Principal's office.

For me, it was simple...

Stay quiet.

At which I'm an expert.

"M-Miss Forbes, what are you doing here?" The receptionist stuttered, looking horrified.

"Oh, nothing." She waved her hand in dismissal and gave her a sweet smile. "I'm here to have a chat with my mother if you don't mind."

"She's busy. I'll let her know-" she picked up the phone, but Brittany stopped by putting her hand over hers.

"No need for the formalities." She put the phone back down. "I'll do it myself."

With that, she marched towards the wooden double door and burst it open.

"Brittany!" Principal Morgan scolded. "What is the meaning of this?" She hissed and covered the phone with her hand.

"Cut the call and I'll let you know, dear mother," Brittany smirked and took a seat in front of her.

Principal Morgan whispered something over the phone and hang up. I sat on the side couch with Chloe while Tiana sat beside Brittany and Madeleine plopped over the side table, dangling her feet.

"What do you want?" Principal Morgan eyed her.

"Oh, mother!" Brittany put her hand over her heart in hurt. "Why do you think I'm here for something? Maybe I just wanted to have a chat."

"You don't come to my office to have a mother-daughter chat with your gang." She rolled her eyes.

"Girls have to stick together, Ma'am." Madeleine gave her a toothy grin.

"Back to the point. Just say and leave. I have work to do." Principal Morgan mumbled, typing something on her computer.

"Take Nate's expulsion back and we'll leave." Brittany beamed.

"What?" She frowned and looked at her over the computer screen. "I'm not doing to do that."

"Why not?"

"Because it's something serious and you don't know-"

"I know he was f**king Grace." Brittany blurted, and I almost gasped at the words she used in front of her mother.

"Watch your language, lady." Principal Morgan glared.

"I'm being straightforward." She shrugged.

"If you knew about this, you should have stopped your friend."

"That's the problem, Ma'am." Tiana sighed. "We found out after he got expelled. There wasn't much we could do then."

"He's done something horrible against the rules and I will not take it back-"

"What about Grace?" Madeleine cut her off. "She is roaming around freely."

"I've got her under control-"

"How?" Brittany growled. "How the f**k you have got it under control? Grace is acting like nothing happened while our friend got expelled!"

"I had a chat with her and she told me some... Things-"

"Like what?" Brittany scoffed. "Don't tell me she played the victim."

"She told me Nate was being persistent-"

"And she gave in." Madeleine snorted. "Just like that?"

"I didn't imagine things will go this way," Chloe mumbled from beside me as I watched Tiana, Brittany, and Madeleine argue with Principal Morgan.

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