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"How are you feeling?" I asked Angel. Three weeks have pass since her attack and she woke up from her coma early this morning.

"I'm fine," her voice is dry and raspy. I hand her a cup of water.

Her face swelling has gone down but she still has some cuts.

After she finished drinking from the straw I took the cup away and put it close to her. There was silence in the room and I'm not sure how to break it.

"I'm so stupid," Angel cries and tears began to stream down her face.

"Someone like me doesn't deserve to find love," she cries

"Hey hey don't you ever say something like that," I reassured her. I take her hands into mine.

"You are the most beautiful, kind-spirited woman I ever met in my life. That fucker was just  a bigot who doesn't know what's good for him even if it hit it in the face,

You are the most deserving person of love," I tell her wiping away her tears.

"Where is he anyway? Is he in jail?" She asks and I didn't answer.

"Valencia. What did you do?"She says forcefully.

"Look I'm not gonna sugarcoat shit! That bastard got what he deserves and I'll do it again for you," I tell her.

We didn't talk much after that. All we did was pack her stuff and got ready for discharge.

"You're gonna be staying with me for a while," I tell her.

"I'll be fine,"

"I don't care. It will give me peace of mind with you staying with me," I say.

"I'm not a baby,"

"I know but you're my baby sister. It's my job to look after you,"





Arensio's men came and help me out with moving Angel and her things. Lorenzo was surprisingly helpful.

I wonder why?

Arensio's men put everything in the guest room that Angel will be staying in for the time being.

"Can you hand me that bag over there?" Angel asked me. I looked at where she was pointing and I saw a small pink bag sitting on a chair.

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