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After the altercation between arensio and i, I didn't bother sleeping in the same room with him. I found a guest room and stayed there. The entire morning I ignored him.

After the cooks made breakfast I went back upstairs to the guest bedroom and got ready for the rest of the day.

Beside meeting with the wedding planner I do need to go back to the club.

I head back down but i run into Arensio as he come upstairs.

"Here," he says handing my a black platinum Amex card.

"There will be a Gala in a few days. There you will meet some very important people," he says

I take his card and put it inside my purse. "You're really trusting me with this card,"

"You are my fiancé. My money is your money," he says then continue to head upstairs.

I smirked. I'm gonna blow this

I pulled out my phone and sent a text to the group chat telling them to meet me at the mall.






"Fucking psychopath,"

"So is Bobby dead,"

After hours of shopping, the girls and I are eating brunch. I just told them everything about what happened yesterday.

"I don't know. I'm scared to ask him," I tell them.

The waiter comes in with mimosas and placed them in front of us.

"He's starting to look like... you know... him," Ella said.

I don't know.

He was a paranoid psycho but Arensio is different than him. In a weird way Arensio is different.

"I don't think so. Both of them is crazy but Arensio is better," Angel added.

But then Ella interjected with another opinion which led to and "whose better" argument.

"Yall come on it's not the time or place for that shit," Kristen yelled out. They both quiet down and continued drinking.

The rest of the brunch went by pretty chaotic and rowdy. We spent the entire time drink bottomless mimosas and champagne . I'm pretty sure none of us is sober enough to drive

"Alrighty y'all it looks like we might have upsetted the palm colored faces," i announced. I've noticed we gotten a few stares from the white folks.

"Okay out of the four of us who's the most sober," i said none of us raised our hands but we all looked at Kristen.

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