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Tonight is the night. I've heard about this gala not just from Lauren and Arensio but before.

All gangsters and monsters will be here. It's the few times when all of them gather in one place and It's the perfect place to handle business and start alliances.

"How do this look? I ask for the hundredth time. Lauren, Angel, Kristen, Ella, and I are dress shopping for tonight.

"Hate it,"- Angel says

"Love it,"- Ella says.

"Next dress!" Kristen says and I groan loudly.

I go back inside the dressing room and change into the next dress.

I step out and show them with a turn.

"Love it"- Kristen says

"Hate it"- Lauren says

"Next!" Angel yells out.

"Oh, my fucking gosh why can't you agree on a dress!" I yelled out in frustration and head back inside.

"We trying to find the perfect dress so every man will be horny with jealousy and every woman with be filled with envy. That takes time," Angel says.

"She's right. This is your introduction to the mafia world you have to make a mark," Lauren added on.

I put on the last dress and I think this is the one. I stepped out and gave a twirl.

"Love it," Angel says

"That's the one," Lauren

"Gorgeous," Ella

"Finally," Kristen.





We wasted the whole morning and day away shopping we decided to stop and eat at Tiffany's. They mostly serve breakfast and brunch items.

"I saw you when you bought that sexy lingerie," Ella said to Angel.

"Well while Valencia is out at her Gala party Jason is gonna take me out to dinner tonight." She said smiling.

"Ooh lala," Lauren sings.

"Is he getting the cookie," Kristen asks.

"Maybe but we have to see how he responds to my news," she says.

"What news?" Ella asks confused. We all looked at her.

"Ohhh that news," she says.

"Well I hope it goes well," Kristen added.

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