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After the funeral, Arensio dropped me off back home and he went on to handle business.

A little after I came back Angel come over.

"So he just gave her the money no strings attached?" She asked

"I think so,"

"Do you think he did that with the others?"

"I don't know...maybe. I just wanna why. One minute he's putting a gun to my face and the next he's paying all the expenses and more for them,"

He confuses me.

"Well sounds to me that he likes you," she says knowingly before taking a sip from her wine.

"No, he doesn't. He just needs me to solidify his claim as the boss,"

"Yes that may be true but why did he pick you in the first place? He didn't have to pay for the funeral expenses but he did because they were important to you and he's going after Micheal for you. He could've left you to him but he didn't. Sound like he likes you," Angel continues.

"It does," a voice appears. I pulled out my gun and pointed it in the direction.

Lauren stepped out of the darkness pointing her own gun at me. "Jesus Lauren you gave me a heart attack!" I yelled at her. I put my gun on the table and sat back down.

"Sorry but I have to agree with Angel. I've known my brother my entire life and I've seen all of his girlfriends and he never did anything like that for them. He barely even spoke to them." She says.

Angel chimed in with her opinion and they both started discussing about the fact that he likes me.

So then what is the real reason my he chose me to be his wife?

"Okay enough about me how is going with you and Jason," I asked.

"Umm, we're okay. it's going slow and I really want to take it to the next step in our relationship," she says.

"Have you told him?" I asked her.

"Told him what," she said back.

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