Scene 26 - How's Steve Getting On?

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We cut to view the exterior of Space City. The tower continues to revolve, and then we cut to the interior. The Lieutenant sits at his desk working busily. Commander Zero approaches him.

Commander Zero:

Ah, I wonder how Steve is getting on. Contact him on the Nutroni transmitter, Lieutenant.

We cut to see Fireball XL5 flying in space to the right of the camera. Steve Zodiac is joined by Robert the Robot at the control console. We will alternate between Fireball XL5 and Space City.

Steve Zodiac:

Fireball XL5 to Space City, receiving you loud and clear, Commander. We are on our way to the last planet now. Planet Visgus. Robert seems to be acting fine now. The Professor has reprogrammed him again and doesn't seem to be anything wrong with him.

Commander Zero:

Ok, Steve. I'm glad to hear it. Just making a routine report. Still no word from the Savoxians. Or the Subterrains.

Steve Zodiac:

Right, Commander. We haven't been wasting any time in finding a new source for this Novax E7. And we don't intend on wasting anymore.

We then fade to reveal an icy planet to the left of the screen as Fireball XL5 flies towards it. Dr. Venus and the Professor have joined Steve in the main control room and stand behind him.

Approaching planet Visgus now. And it sure is a mighty chilly planet.

Dr. Venus:

Visgus hasn't even designated a planet anymore. It's now a dwarf planet, officially. Visgus is just a lifeless, icy cold rock.

Professor Matic:

This will be one of the coldest planets we've ever encountered. Looks like we will need our space anoraks.

Dr. Venus:

And our oxygen pills, Professor. There is no atmosphere for us on Visgus.

Professor Matic:

Sure thing, Venus.

We see the Professor leave through the sliding doors. They return in when he has gone.

Steve Zodiac:

Robert will take over the secondary control room when we go down in Fireball Junior.

Dr. Venus:

Ok, Steve. If Robert were to go down onto Visgus with us, he would be able to withstand the temperature of the cold or the heat.

Steve Zodiac:

Yeah. No need for oxygen pills for him. The pill provides a forcefield around us that provides us with oxygen and a stabilised gravity and pressure for us to live in space with. Unless Robert wants to try an oxygen pill to find out?

Robert the Robot:


Robert begins smoking again. This then cuts to seeing the footage of Fireball Junior blasting from the mother ship and descending down towards the icy planet below. The main body then begins to orbit around the planet...

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