Scene 14 - The One Place In The Universe That Will Tell Us

Start from the beginning

Subterrain 3:

If Steve Zodiac and his friends are interested in the planet Herbaccum, then so are we. Why are they on their way to Herbaccum?

Subterrain 1:

Yes. Yes!

We cut to Fireball XL5's interior, where we see Steve and Robert piloting their ship. Dr. Venus stands behind Steve. A radio call transmits into the ship, we hear the voice of the Subterrains.

Steve Zodiac:

We better be ready in case the Subterrains find that we are trespassing over their ground. We know how hostile and aggressive they can really be like. Even if they claim to be friendly now and are doing good deeds for people.

Subterrain 1:

This is the Subterrain Space Rescue Service. You are entering a restricted corner of the galaxy. We must ask you to return to your planet immediately to ensure our security will not be compromised. Please acknowledge this transmission.

Steve Zodiac:

Subterrain Space Rescue Service, this is Fireball XL5 of the World Space Patrol from Earth. You may fully understand that we are not treading over your ground, but we are merely passing over. We do not wish to harm your organisation or Planet 46, and wish to run your organisation without interruption.

Subterrain 1:

World Space Patrol vessel, we will not repeat ourselves. You have violated into a restricted area of space. Turn yourselves back around, or we shall take action against your vessel.

Steve Zodiac:

Is that a threat I take it?

We cut to the Subterrain base.

Subterrain 1:

It is, Steve Zodiac! It is!

Then the camera returns to Fireball XL5.

Steve Zodiac:

You're being unreasonable now. Your computer programs are wrong, and maybe you didn't build them right when you set up your so-called Rescue Service. Moreover, you are supposed to be a team dedicated to helping those in the universe and maintaining harmony across all beings. Or have you returned to your callous ways again?

Subterrain 1:

Turn back, Zodiac! Or be obliterated!

Steve Zodiac:

You better think twice about what you're doing. We have full authority in black and white to come as we please. You know that. Where is your licensed proof of legitimacy?

Subterrain 1:

We shall destroy you, Steve Zodiac! And your Earth space vessel with it!

Steve Zodiac:

That's really rattled their cage. Maximum power, Robert. Let's get out of here. Hold on, Venus.

Fireball XL5 quickly veers over to its right. In the control room, the first Subterrain fills himself with rage.

Subterrain 1:

Launch, missiles. Target them for Fireball XL5.

One of the missiles from the planet's ground elevates up to point into the sky. These are the same missiles the Subterrains have previously used in stories such as the pilot episode.

Subterrain 2:

Missile homed in on Fireball XL5.

Subterrain 1:

Fireball XL5: The Incredible Space Adventure Of Fireball XL5Where stories live. Discover now