Scene 12 - We Must Find More E7

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Steve Zodiac:

Well if this planet is so good in curing the sick and the ill, why haven't we been using it in order to help cure the sicknesses on our planet? Around the universe for that matter?

Dr. Venus:

By intergalactic law Steve, the planet is protected from extra-terrestrial visitors. Trips to the planet should be far and few in order to preserve the natural beauty of the planet and its existence.

Commander Zero:

In this day and age anyway, we have all the cures and vaccinations to take on all kinds of illnesses. Transmissible or non-transmissible ones. And we can recover from injuries and accidents with the best medical advice we could ask for. As you Dr. Venus and Professor Matic would know.

Professor Matic:

You bet we do, Commander. What there is that Dr. Venus don't know about science and medicine isn't worth knowing.

Steve Zodiac:

Well the difference here is that we're not trying to find a vaccine. We're trying to find a new source of creating an ultra rare energy source. Now will Herbaccum provide us with that answer?

Dr. Venus:

Yes, Steve. It will.

Steve Zodiac:

Well then what are we waiting for? Let's get out there.

Commander Zero:

One more thing, Steve. The Professor pointed out that we need to treat this assignment with maximum security. The Subterrains must not know what we're up to. If they were to suspect our involvement, we too will find ourselves in hot water.

Steve Zodiac:

Ok, Commander. We will bear that in mind. Professor, Venus, let's get to Fireball and get the energy source we need.

KABOOM! We cut to see stock footage of Fireball XL5 blasting off on its rail. It continues running along, and then shoots up into the sky and into the sky. The blackness around Steve and Robert, the pilots of the ship, seeps in as they reach the altitude of space once again.

Fireball XL5 to Space City, we are leaving Earth's atmosphere now. Setting course for Herbaacum now. Set course for Herbaccum, Robert.

Robert the Robot:


Matic arrives at the room.

Steve Zodiac:

Well Matt, we will be making all haste to find the source for creating the Castrol E7.

Professor Matic:

Ok, Steve. But one thing I ought to point out when I was plotting the ship's course on the Spacemascope in the Navigation Bay.

Steve Zodiac:

Oh? And what's that Professor?

Professor Matic:

On the way to the planet Herbaccum, we will be in the vicinity of Planet 46. The home world of the Subterrains. I've taken a look at the Radar-Telescope and can confirm that we will be in sight of their satellite detectors.

Steve Zodiac:

In that case, we will take a small detour so we will not be in their way. Can you plot me exactly on their position on the Radar Telescope a safe enough position so we aren't in their sight?

Professor Matic:

Sure, Steve. I see your point that we don't want to get in their way. Otherwise, there will be real trouble.

Steve Zodiac:

And if we do fall into trouble. They will be no match for Fireball XL5. Of the initial batch of thirty patrol ships built at Space City from 2050 to 2062, Fireball XL5 is the best known craft of the World Space Patrol. From its hyperdrive technology, space and time we can fold to allow faster than light travel.

Professor Matic:

Yeah. What a wonderful craft she is too. Sometimes I forget how much we appreciate her. I should know because I was the one who perfected the nutomic hyperdrive 300 feet in length, 125 feet in wingspan, and she weighs 682 tons, and can travel 100 light years into the depths of space.

Steve Zodiac:

Thanks to her nutomic fusion reactor, Professor. And that hyperdrive which is a Velot Space-fold hyperdrive generator. The hyperdrive motor allows space-folding of time to allow much faster journeys through space. She uses a central chemical rocket used for launch and emergency boosts. 4 other booster and manoeuvring rockets, 2 under wing retro rockets and 1 vertical take-off rocket.

Professor Matic

He, he, he. I can tell you've done your homework on your own ship, Steve. As for Fireball Junior, she uses an atomic fusion reactor. And an engine with 1 central chemical rocket, 8 wing-mounted booster rockets, and 4 underside retro and vertical take-off rockets.

Steve Zodiac:

Then if we were to get ourselves into a scrape with the Subterrains, we will be prepared for them. Dr. Venus, how's the research going on in your laboratory?

We cut to see Dr. Venus in her laboratory reading up on various books she needs to about the planet Herbaccum. After her line, we shall return to the control room.

Dr. Venus:

Good, Steve. Although what I'm refreshing myself over is more to find out what we shall expect to find when we get to Herbaccum.

Steve Zodiac:

Good idea, Venus. Well, we need to get over there in a hurry. The sooner we find the energy substance needed, the better. Engage hyperdrive motor, Robert.

Robert the Robot:


We then see Fireball XL5 flying to the left of the screen. KABOOM! The chemical booster rocket blasts the ship much, much faster through space. The camera quickly shows the zooming ship, before we cut to see Steve, Robert, and the Professor on the ship. Fireball XL5 then quickly zooms away out of sight to blast to Herbaccum...

Fireball XL5: The Incredible Space Adventure Of Fireball XL5Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang