Chapter 53 - Threat

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CHAPTER 53: Threat

Lucius laughed as Noah's hands found his waist, tickling him, making him grab at his hands and try to pry them away, and quickening his steps to get out of Noah's hold. "Stop it!" Lucius said, just as he entered the library from the balcony doors, turning to yell, "Enough, already!"

"But teasing you is so much fun." Noah laughed, pulling Lucius into him as he tried to fight him off.

"That's what I meant." Blayth said, taking a bite off a croissant and flipping another page of the book he had against his bent legs as he lay on the couch.

"Morning." Lucius said with a laugh.

"It's afternoon." Blayth said, "Lazarus said to tell you he wanted you in his office."

"Seriously?" Noah asked.

"Be thankful I talked him out of going to grab you a couple of hours ago." Blayth said, "But it seems serious."

"Thanks for the horses, Blayth." Lucius said as he walked up to him, taking the croissant from his hand and biting into it, making him glare. "We had a lovely ride."

"Good to hear." Blayth said, "Did you at least bring them back with you? It is a hassle walking all the way to the cabin."

"We rode them here. Tied out back." Lucius told him.

"Could've taken them to the stables." Blayth sighed as he got up.

"What's with you?" Lucius asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Leon, what else?" Blayth rolled his eyes.

"What did he do? You two were dancing yesterday and now you're fighting?" Lucius asked him as Blayth snatched back his croissant.

"Get your own." He said before adding, "I am punishing him." Lucius looked at him with a frown, wondering what he meant when he added, "The jerk wouldn't go into town with me yesterday, so I decided I wouldn't sleep with him."

"So why are you mad?" Lucius asked.

"Because! I want to sleep with him." Blayth said as if it was the most obvious thing before walking past Lucius and grumbling.

"You did this to yourself." Lucius called after him.

"Stay out of it." Blayth said over his shoulder as he walked out.

"He still managed to do as I asked." Noah laughed when Lucius turned to him.

"A perfect night, and a perfect morning." Lucius smiled at him. They had woken up that day, had a quaint breakfast before they took the horses Blayth brought to the cabin, leaving them there for when the two woke up, and went on a ride like the old days. "Now back to reality. We need to go see what Lazarus wants."

"I'm beginning to think we should have stayed in bed." Noah grumbled, making Lucius laugh as he walked up to him, taking his hand before they both walked towards the other side of the house where Lazarus's study was.

They knocked before Lazarus told them to enter. Inside were Lazarus, Edmur, Ira, Logan and Tobias who was fumbling with a radio. "Why so grim?" Lucius asked, seeing how Lazarus was pacing.

"Disturbance in a few towns nearby." Tobias said, focused on the radio until the static turned into someone's voice, relaying news.

'Take caution and stay indoors. The storm seems to get........'

"Damn it." Tobias cursed, adjusting the radio's signal again.

"What's happening?" Noah asked.

"Weather anomalies." Tobias said, "Many towns are struggling, and people are dying."

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