Chapter 52 - Desires Of The Heart

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Lucius walked back and forth in the library, taking in deep breaths to calm his nerves, glancing outside at where everyone sat waiting for the two of them. Noah, as he'd told him before about how he imagined it, was late. He gulped in a deep breath, going through his vows in his head again.

"Lucius." Lucius's eyes rose to meet Lazarus's. He smiled at Lazarus nervously before he nodded, walking up to him and taking the hand he offered him. "This is what you wanted, why so nervous?"

"It's all Noah's fault." Lucius grumbled, "And I forgot how heavy those robs are."

"Tobias did a great job." Lazarus said, admiring Lucius's outfit that consisted of a white shirt, black pants, boots that reached just beneath the knees. The entire outfit finished off with the blood red Eglar's robe, held with a golden rope tied around his shoulders, two gold plates sitting at each of his shoulder while the robe draped down behind him, reaching the ground, the emblem of the royal family sown into the back of it with golden thread, and at his side his family sword, dug up by Noah from where he'd hidden it for him. He reached over, taking Lucius's chin between his fingers and lifting it so their eyes met again as he said, "You look handsome. You have no idea how proud I am at this moment. I am sure your parents feel the same wherever they are."

Lucius gulped, his smile softening, more natural as he nodded, muttering, "I wish they were here."

"I am sure they are." Lazarus told him, "As long as you have them in your heart, they will always be with you."

"Thank you." Lucius muttered, turning to the door as Noah walked in, pulling at his robe, grumbling, almost tripping, making Lucius chuckle, Ren walking in behind him scolding him. "Took you long enough." Lucius said.

"This stupid robe. And Ren wouldn't let me leave until my hair was just the way she wanted." He said, glaring at her as she shrugged and walked past them going outside to join the others.

Lucius's lips tilted in a smirk as he said, "You should wear your hair that way more often."

Noah sighed, tossing it over his shoulder, not liking how Ren placed some of it so it showed from the front. "It's uncomfortable."

"Doesn't matter. We are late."

"WE are on time" Noah grumbled as he walked up to them, "It is our wedding after all."

"True." Lucius said.

Noah came closer to him, leaning in to kiss him as he said, "You don't look too bad yourself."

"No kissing." Lazarus grumbled from beside them, challenging Noah's glare, "You will be doing plenty of that soon enough."

Noah stood straight as he said, "You enjoy ruining my fun."

"As true as that is, we should get going." Lazarus said, offering his hand to Lucius again who took it without question. He then offered the other to Noah, who also took it smiling before he glanced at Lucius.

"Ready, Lu?" Lucius merely nodded, feeling his heart starting to beat faster to his chest, gulping as they faced the door, starting to walk out towards the arch of roses that Noah created for Lucius, underneath it Tobias stood, waiting for the two. They had all agreed that since he was the oldest other than Lazarus, and as was tradition, that he would be leading the ceremony.

Tobias smiled as they walked towards him, glancing at Benjie who had a camera recording everything, one they'd worked on especially for that day, nodding at him to confirm it was working. They stopped before him when they reached him, everyone having gone quiet the moment they walked out, the instruments Ira had made started to play a light melody. Lazarus placed their hands in each other's, looking between them before he stepped back, taking a seat.

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