Chapter 2 - Reacquainted

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CHAPTER 2: Reacquainted

Leon knocked on Blayth’s door, opening it when he was invited inside. “What is it?” Blayth asked when Leon just stood there for the longest time, looking at him sitting on the window ledge, staring outside at the view of the lake from his balcony.

“I wanted to check on you.” Leon said honestly, walking up to the window.

“Why?” Blayth wondered, turning to him.

“Lucius is back.” Leon said simply. Blayth smiled softly, his eyes returning outside where Noah was teaching Lucius to swim.

“He is alive and well. He is with us. What could I feel but joy?” Blayth answered.

“That is good.” Leon said, glancing outside before his eyes fell on Blayth again. The smile adorning his face made his eyes bright, the grayness vivid as the sunlight fell upon them, making the lashes around his eyes seem darker, surrounding them almost incredibly.

He couldn’t help it. It had been so many years since he had last felt the intense urge coursing through his veins. He stopped himself on many occasions, from just grabbing Blayth and planting a kiss against those delicate lips he had once touched with his own, a complete contrast to the man’s personality.

Blayth stood up, stretching his arms out before turning to Leon, who took a few steps towards him before, once more, as he had done so long ago, pressed his lips to his. He didn’t understand that desire within him, the one that drove him to wanting to do what he was just doing. He didn’t know where the attraction came from. Blayth was the only one that could grind on his nerves so much that he would want to punch him… but then, he would want to grab him, kiss him fiercely, rob him of breath and make him blush so deeply.

He didn’t understand.

His hand caressed its way up Blayth’s neck. Warm, he thought. Tangling in the mess of hair that Blayth refused to untangle by himself, always forced to by Lorena. His tongue pressed against his lips, coaxing them to part before he dove his tongue into Blayth’s mouth, battling against the red-heads' own. And Blayth, like the last time, kissed him back.

Dazed. Blayth couldn’t think of another word to describe how he felt at that moment. He was shocked initially, completely not expecting it. But then, the moment Leon’s lips touched his, the kiss demanding, he got him so out of breath, so lightheaded, that he could only describe it as dazed. And just as soon as it started, as if realizing what he had done, again, Leon stepped back, his eyes merely looking into Blayth’s for a moment before he turned around and started walking towards the door. 

Blayth watched him. He was trying to catch his breath. To wrap his mind around what had just happened, but he couldn’t. He managed to snap himself out of it soon enough to rush after Leon, his hand slamming the door shut just as the dark-haired knight opened it. 

“No you don’t. Not this time.” Blayth declared.


“Don’t Blayth me! Explain.” Blayth demanded, making Leon turn around, his face expressionless as he composed himself enough, trying to think of a way out of the conversation about to happen. “Twice now… No wait, this is the third time. Each time you walk away, not speaking about it for years. And god damn it that was the best kiss I’d had in so damn long that I just…” Blayth stopped talking, realizing what he just admitted before he cleared his throat, feeling his cheeks redden as he said instead, “The point is, what the hell? You don’t get to walk away again! Tell me what it means. You don’t just walk up to someone and kiss them all of a sudden without any reason or explanation, damn it!” 

“Stop cursing.” Leon mumbled.

“Answer me.” Blayth commanded.

“It’s just…” Leon said, at a loss of words. He raised his hand up to cover his lips as he looked away. Blayth was too close to him, standing there, his hand still pressed to the door next to his shoulder as he confronted him.

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