Chapter 29 - Possession

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Cole had been spending a lot of time with Ira as she'd asked for his help reorganizing the spell books she had in the library to better find them. He didn't merely do it to help, wanting to learn more about what the spells were about and what they were used for. He was fascinated by the perspective of spells and magic, learning that four of them had the powers, and that Liam only used his for healing while Noah was able to use it for anything he wanted. He was more shocked to learn that the man Logan called Ray was a dragon, and to prove it to him, the dragon didn't hesitate to change, showing off his magnificence where Lucius called him out for liking to brag, Logan telling him how proud dragons truly were.

As they sat down, finally done with organizing the books, Lucius dragged Cole along to help him get some tea, bringing it to the living room and starting to pour some for the ones sitting there. Cole handed a cup to Ira, who thanked him before telling him to have a seat next to her, the book in her hand moved between them as she explained something to him. She paused when she felt his eyes on her instead of the book, making her look at him with a soft smile as she asked, "What is it?"

"Why are you so nice to me?" Cole found himself asking, not realizing he did until after, "I-I mean... umm..."

She laughed softly, saying, "Why wouldn't I be?"

"I don't know." He muttered, his eyes downcast now.

She placed a hand under his chin, making him look at her again as she said, "Don't do that. It makes you look weak. Your head should always be held high in pride, not looking as if you are shamed."

"Father never liked that." Cole told her.

"He is not here now. It doesn't matter what he used to say." Ira told him, "Weak men take out their anger on their children in a pathetic attempt to be powerful. So don't bother with whatever he'd said to you before."

He nodded slightly then asked, "So it's alright to ask?"

"Anything you want." She encouraged.

"Can you teach me magic?" He asked her.

"It is not something to be taught." She told him, "You are either born with it or you aren't."

"Then how can I become strong?" Cole asked.

"Why is it that you want to become strong?"

"To protect Benjie and Mel." Cole answered.

"They are safe here." Ira told him.

"But we can't stay here forever." Cole said.

"You don't have to go anywhere. You can stay here until you decide to leave." She told him.

He looked away before he said, "I need to learn. I need to become stronger."

"I told you, they are safe."

"But I hate feeling weak." Cole insisted.

"Cole, you are not weak." Ira said.

"I cannot defend myself. How is that strength?" He asked her.

"How about martial arts then?" She said after a moment of thought, seeing the look in Cole's eyes.

"I want to learn but..." he trailed off, making her frown in wonder before he said, "Noah's father... he's... I don't know. He is scary. I don't want to speak to him about it." She couldn't help the laugh that escaped her, which had him look at her with confusion.

"He is a sweetheart." She explained, "There is nothing to fear with him."

"The way he glares says otherwise." Cole replied.

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