Chapter 10 - Trapped

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Noah dreaded where they were headed, but the journey didn't seem so bad with Lucius riding close by him, spending the nights warped in his arms as they slept next to each other. He took comfort in knowing where Lucius was, and how he could be there for him in case he needed him.

"Lazarus, anything yet?" Blayth asked, sighing.

"I am worried we might not find the place." Lazarus confessed, a deep frown on his face.

"Remember how Tobias said that Levi was finding Lucius through the incomplete spell he'd cast?" Blayth said.

"What of it?" Lazarus wondered.

"Noah could find Lucius, and Lucius proved it worked the other way around too." Blayth said, "So what if-..."

"Blayth, if you are about to say what I think, you better stop. Not a chance in hell is that happening." Noah said, his arm unconsciously tightening around Lucius's shoulders, pulling him closer to himself.

"What was he about to say?" Ren asked.

"That Lucius could find Levi." Leon filled in.

"No." Noah stated.

"Noah, wait, he might be getting to something here." Lazarus said, turning to him.

"I said no, end of topic. There is no way I am letting that happen." Noah said firmly.

"Explain." Lucius said to Blayth, "Because I can only sense Noah, no one else. I feel where he is to an extent, because I can sense what he feels, and it gets stronger when I am close to him."

"Tobias thinks Levi can find you because he too senses you. You have actually used the spell that linked your soul to Noah's, and that is why it is much, much stronger. The one with Levi was created because of his incomplete spell, so it might affect him more. Also he is not bound to anyone as far as we know, which helps him find you. When you incarnate, he disappears for years. Tobias also subsumed that the spell had an effect on his health, rendering him ill for the duration of your life. He always emerges after your death, causing issues out in the world that we try to steer clear of."

"How does that help?" Lucius asked.

"If somehow we manage to strengthen that bond-..."

"No." Noah said again.

"Noah, wait." Lucius said, looking at Blayth, "You think it will help us find him?"

"Lucius, don't be stupid." Noah glared at him, "It might backfire."

"How so?" Lucius asked him, "It might be our best bet, we have been out here searching for two weeks now. I am tired, as are the rest of you, and I am sure we all want to go home."

"I won't risk it." Noah said simply.

"Risk what?" Lucius asked.

"It might work both ways. It might strengthen his bond also. It's already giving us a difficult time trying to keep him away from your trail. If he could find you faster, then this whole immortality thing was for naught." Noah told him, his voice raising with anger.

"Noah." Lucius said, seeing the emotions in his eyes. He reached over, taking Noah's face between his palms, making him look into his eyes as he said, "Listen to me-..."

"No." Noah said, pulling Lucius's hands away, "You always try to convince me that it is the right thing. That it is for the best. Not this time." Noah insisted, "I swear I will not risk your life."

"Noah be reasonable-..."

Noah snorted before he said, "I am the only one here that is reasonable. You've all lost your minds."

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