Chapter 50 - Fulfilling Dreams

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It barely took five minutes before Noah was rushing through the door, sweat still trickling from his forehead after his exercise with Blayth. He knelt in front of Lucius who was still covering his face, eyes cast down, breathing heavily, body trembling.

"Lu, what is it?" Noah asked, reaching over and placing a hand over Lucius's knee, only for him to flinch away, pulling his knees to his chest.

"He had a dream." Edmur filled in, "I think, a memory."

Noah thought back, his mind trying to recall a similar reaction from Lucius before he realized what it was that he'd remembered, making him gulp just as Lucius breathed shakily, "I-Is it t-true?"

"Lu..." Noah mumbled, his shoulder falling.

"Did it really happen?" Lucius asked, taking in a shaking breath, "Did he really..." Lucius choked on a broken sob before he muttered, "Oh god..."

Noah closed his eyes tightly, and as much as it pained him he said quietly, "Yes."

"Noah..." Lucius whimpered, curling around himself further. Noah reached to touch him again, but he pulled away, saying as he let his tears fall, "Don't touch me... please, just... I need a little space..."

"Okay." Noah mumbled, moving until he was seated beside him, leaning against the couch on his side, eyes still on Lucius. He was quiet for a long moment, watching Lucius trying to calm his hyperventilation from his panic. He hated when Lucius's memories returned, they were always so fresh, making it seem like they just occurred, and he dreaded Lucius remembering that one thing from his previous life. He let out a small breath before he said, "Lu... I don't know if you remember, but the last time, it helped when I held you. Our bond, my feelings, they helped you a little. Let me help you, please." He said.

Lucius couldn't do it, his skin crawled with the feeling of that man's touch on his skin so fresh in his mind, as if it had just happened, feeling his throat tighten even more. "I can't... I feel sick..." Lucius said honestly.

"Please. Lu, please, I promise it will help you through this." Noah said almost desperately, feeling what Lucius was feeling, how much sorrow and hate he felt, how much disgust and self-pity, and more than anything, fear.

"J-...Just..." Lucius gulped, sniffling, trying to calm down but he felt horrible, the ache in his body even though it had happened years ago felt real. "I...c-can I j-just hold your hand.... Please?" Lucius pleaded as well, but Noah didn't protest. He'd do anything, even take those memories as his own if he could to rid Lucius of them. He held his hand out, waiting as Lucius hesitantly brought his to Noah's, and right before he touched his hand, Noah poured his feelings into his chest, all his love and adoration. Everything he felt for Lucius, making the lightest of touches ignite Lucius's feeling as well, an overwhelming peace to settle in his heart, almost forgetting what had troubled him. Noah clenched his teeth hard when Lucius started weeping, tilting his head down further as he cried, trying hard not to move closer and just hold him.

"It'll be alright." Noah whispered, glancing at Edmur, "Can we please have the room for a bit?"

Edmur nodded without hesitation, getting to his feet along with Mel who picked up the books on the couch, bringing them along as they moved into the kitchen. "It's like when Cole would have a nightmare." Mel said, her eyes on the words in the book, but unable to read any. "It has to do with my father, doesn't it?"

"My guess would be yes." Edmur sighed.

"Perhaps it is best not to mention this to Cole." Mel said.

"Not to mention what to Cole?" Cole asked as he walked into the kitchen, followed by Blayth.

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