Chapter 55 - Dealing

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Chapter 55: DEALING

"What are you doing?" Blayth asked as he walked into the library, walking up to where Ren was standing by the window.

"I don't like it." She muttered, eyes still locked outside, fingers pinching her bottom lip.

"Don't like what?" Blayth asked, glancing outside as well.

"That." She said, tilting her head towards the lake, where beside it, Noah and Rob sat on the grass chatting, laughing together. "It is unsettling. He's been here two weeks already; doesn't he have to go back to his day job?"

"Are you jealous he took over taking care of Noah for you?" Blayth asked, making her glare sideways at him before her glare returned outside.

"He is getting too close to him." Ren said, "He is always with him. Sleeps in the same bed most nights."

"He is happy, Ren. Getting over his grief. Don't you want that?" Blayth asked.

"If he loves Lucius, then no." Ren answered, making Blayth frown.

"What does that mean?"

"Don't be stupid." Ren said, "Lucius isn't here to defend what is his." then added, "And he is moving in on Lucius's territory."

"They are not animals, Ren."

"No, but Noah is still Lucius's." She countered, "If you died and were to return, would you want Leon to be so cozy with someone else in the meantime? Forget died, if you had left and he found someone else-..."

"He wouldn't." Blayth cut her off, "Neither will Noah. Weren't you the one against them being together?"

"I wasn't against that. I wanted to make sure they were not rushing things. Lucius is important to me. He is a brother to me as well, Blayth. If it was Noah who had declared the wedding to us, I would have drilled him instead." She answered, "And Rob... what he is doing is not right."

"Making sure Noah is alright?" Blayth asked, as if reminding her.

"No. As in they are cuddling, and touchy with each other. More than normal friends should be." Ren said, "And my brother hasn't had a real friend in a long time, not to mention his best friend is Lucius, so he might be a little rusty. Doesn't mean Rob gets to take advantage of the situation."

"I don't see it." Blayth muttered as he glanced outside again.

"They have been kissing, Blayth. Don't tell me that he kisses all his friends on the lips like that." Ren stated.

"Ren, they are just pecks." Blayth countered.

"When others are around." She told him, making him frown at her before she pointed outside, "Does that look like 'you are my friend and I appreciate you' kiss, or does it look like 'I am starting to fall for you, so I will kiss you till you fall for me too' kiss?"

Blayth glanced outside, his frown deepening when Noah's hand slipped to Rob's hair, kissing him more passionately before pulling away, smiling at each other. "Maybe you are reading too much into things." He mumbled quietly, unsure himself at that point.

"It is not right. They just got married. It is not right." Ren repeated shaking her head, about to walk out when Blayth grabbed her arm to stop her.

"Let them be for now." Blayth said, "We'll have a word with Rob later. Alone."

"Blayth... I don't want Lucius to return only to find that Noah had moved on from him."

"Isn't that what you wanted all along?" Blayth asked in confusion.

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