Chapter 38 - Agreements

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Lucius's hand caressed the nape of Noah's neck, pulling him closer to deepen their kiss. His leg rose higher against Noah's hip, moaning at the friction between them as their members rubbed against each other's. Lucius leaned back, parting his lips from Noah's as he breathed, "We should try something different..."

"Like what?" Noah asked, his lips touching Lucius's jaw.

"Let me top." Lucius said, making a chuckle leave Noah as he leaned up to look him in the eyes, "It's not funny. I want to top."

"You've never said that before."

"Well now I am." Lucius said, his face turning red as he looked away, "Blayth said they switch, so I want to try that too."

"Why were you talking to that idiot?"

"You are the only idiot I know." Lucius countered.

"Is it that you want something different or just to top?"

"Different." Lucius said.

Noah smirked, "I have an idea."

"What?" Lucius asked.

"You will have to trust me." Noah said as he grabbed Lucius's wrists and brought them over his head.

"I do." Noah pecked his lips before he started muttering the words to a spell, his eyes turning red as Lucius said, "That's a spell to tie something."

"Exactly." Noah said when he was done, letting go of Lucius's hands. Lucius tugged on them but they wouldn't move, he felt his heart start to beat a little quicker as he glanced over his head at his hands that were next to each other, held there by an invisible force. "Ready to have some fun?" Noah said as he reached for the nightstand, picking up a scarf laying there and bringing it to Lucius whose eyes went wide.


"Shh, just feel." Noah said as he tied it around his eyes.

"Noah, stop." Lucius said, feeling lips against his neck. "Noah, stop it... let me go."

"What's the matter?" Noah asked breathily, his lips not leaving Lucius's skin, his hand reaching between Lucius's legs as he added, "You asked for it." The words Noah spoke were what drove Lucius over the edge, starting to breathe faster as he tugged on his hands.

"Noah, enough. Let go. Let me go! Untie me!" Lucius said frantically, making Noah sit back with a frown. He had thought the change in his breathing was because he was enjoying himself, but now he saw that it was something else. "Untie me! Stop it! Stop!" Lucius yelled, making Noah hurry to break his spell, only for Lucius to pull away from him as he undid his blind fold, rushing from the bed to the bathroom where he shut the door, bending over the toilet to throw up everything he'd had in him, leaving his body a quivering mess.

"Lu, open up." Noah said, knocking on the locked door. Lucius sat next to the toilet, his arms wrapped around himself as he trembled, his heart still racing in his chest, vision blurring and eyes reddened. He didn't realize that Noah spelled the door open until he saw him in front of him, and without a second thought he moved until he was wrapped in his arms, sobs wracking his body. "I'm sorry, Lu. Sorry, Love."

"He was so strong." Lucius whimpered, "He held my hands down with one grip over my head, his other was on my body. He was so heavy on top of me... and it was so dark... he said that I asked for it... He said-..." Lucius wasn't able to continue as he choked on another sob.

"Shhh..." Noah shushed, his heart pinched when he finally linked Lucius's reaction with what he was saying. He was talking about his rape, and how he'd reminded him of it. "I'd never hurt you, Lu. Never." Noah promised, "I didn't mean to scare you or make you remember, I swear."

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