Chapter 33 - Wyatt

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It was a few days later when Wyatt had finally opened his eyes. He didn't respond to any of them, and it took him a while before even moving an inch from where he lay. Liam had asked everyone to clear the room as he checked on him, asked him questions to see how he responded, and if anything was affected by the spell or even the treatment he'd decided to use.

"How is he?" Cylus said once Liam walked out of the infirmary.

"Cylus, sit down-..."

"Just tell me!" Cylus insisted, "Liam, please tell me he is alright..."

Liam walked up to him, placing a hand against his shoulder as he said, "A few days ago I told you I didn't know if he'd wake up. Remember how horrible that was?"

"I need something good right now, Liam..." Cylus said, his brows deeply frowned.

"I told you that he might not. But now he is... keep that in mind alright."

"Just spit it out!" Cylus insisted.

Liam sighed, his eyes sad as he said, "He seems to have lost his memories."

Cylus looked at him dumbfounded, as if not understanding what the healer was saying, the only thing that left his lips was, "Huh?"

"He doesn't seem to remember things."

"How bad?" Noah asked, "Like he doesn't remember where his room is? Where we are? Or is it worse than that?"

"That and..." Liam said, turning back to Cylus as he said, "He doesn't remember me. When I mentioned your name, he didn't recognize it. He...even who he is." Liam said.

"Not possible..." Cylus mumbled, "No way." He repeated, pushing Liam's hand away as he walked around him before he could stop him, opening the infirmary door and walking up to the bed. "Wyatt-..."

"Cylus, please!" Liam called after him, following close behind him.

Wyatt jumped in fright, his eyes wide with fear as Cylus walked up to him, his heart rate accelerating at the man he didn't know rushing towards him. He pushed his blankets away, stumbling as he got out of bed, trying to get away from Cylus. The archer didn't stop, rounding the bed and grabbing a hold of his shoulder when he had pressed his back against the wall with nowhere to run to.


"W-who are you?" He asked, his voice quivering as he tried to push against him, "Unhand me! Don't touch me!" Wyatt yelled in fright, trying to get out of Cylus's grasp.

Cylus's shock made his grip loosen, letting Wyatt push him away, almost falling backwards onto the ground. He was too astonished, not once in his life had he thought he'd be experiencing the feeling coursing through him again. He felt his throat close up, but he couldn't, wouldn't cry. He just watched as Liam walk up to Wyatt, trying to calm him down before turning back to Cylus and saying, "You know this man, Wyatt-..."

"Stop addressing me as such!" Wyatt insisted, pushing Liam away as well, "Just leave me alone! I don't know you lot!"

"I know you are confused right now... scared even." Liam said, holding out his hands in surrender in order to try and reach Wyatt's disoriented brain, "But we are friends, family even. Your name is Wyatt. Mine is Liam, and I am the healer here." He then pointed at Cylus as he said, "His name is Cylus, and you two were close."

"Are." Cylus corrected, his voice low but his words sill made the two turn to him, Liam with a warning look, and Wyatt with an unsure one, but Cylus's never left the light blue ones he loved. "Wyatt, it's me... Don't you remember me?" he asked him, then a thought occurred to him, making him reach for the chain around his neck, pulling it out and holding up the little ornament before he said, "Remember this?" Wyatt frowned further, uncertain of Cylus's words, "Anything?"

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