Chapter 35 - Beginnings

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Image: Cylus


Noah went into the library, stopping near the couch and frowning when he didn't see Lucius where he left him. His eyes rose to meet Edmur's who said, "He woke up almost half an hour ago screaming. He's outside. Wouldn't let any of us be with him. I've been keeping a close eye on him through the window."

Noah's eyes looked over Edmur's head to the balcony, his eyes falling on Lucius sitting there, rested on the bench nearest to the window, a blanket covering his legs, his eyes gazing towards the frozen lake. "Thanks, Ed."

"Don't upset him further. He's going through enough." Edmur sighed, looking back down at the words in his book.

Noah nodded as he walked to the balcony, opening it and going outside, shivering at the cold as he stopped by the bench. Lucius didn't spare him a glance, thumbnail between his teeth before wiping at his tears, then going back to his lips. Noah swallowed in regret, sitting on the bench where Lucius sat, hand reaching for Lucius's leg, only for them to be drawn closer to Lucius's chest.


"Don't." Lucius breathed.

"Lucius, I had to-..."

"I said don't. Don't try and justify it." Lucius said, and when Noah was about to speak again, he finally looked at him, his eyes glaring as he said, "How could you do that? I tell you that I've been awake for four days, not wanting to see all that then you go and put me under a spell? Do you have any idea how that was? Trying to wake up, to stop the rush of memories, only to find out I couldn't?"

"You needed to sleep-..."

"I needed you!" Lucius sobbed.


"Go away..." Lucius whimpered, wiping his tears again.

"Would you have rather I let them go alone? I am the only one capable of fighting and using magic between them. They would've been in more danger without me there." Noah said.

"You could've explained it that way."

"You know I couldn't." Noah said with a frown, "You wouldn't've let me leave. You'd have gone with us. I can't have that. Not after Ruben's threat."

"You could've had Lazarus hold me back. You could've locked me in a room. Putting me to sleep was the worst thing you could've done."

"Lucius, you needed to sleep. You still need sleep." Noah told him, "I could've done something else, but you would've still been exhausted."

"You don't understand how horrible it is." Lucius sobbed, pulling his sleeve over his knuckles before wiping his eyes again, "You don't realize what seeing your mother die feels like. Again and again."

"I'm sorry, love." Noah said, "I am sorry you have to go through it. But I am not sorry for the fact that you actually had a decent sleep."

"You wouldn't say that if you saw what I saw." Lucius whimpered.

"What was it?" Noah asked.

"I don't want to talk to you right now."

"Love, if you don't tell me, I won't understand. Please, Lucius." Noah said. It took a while before Lucius finally spoke.

Lucius sniffled, muttering, "It was a happy day. All I remember is being happy. Laughing. Feeling loved. You told me a story before you went to wash the mess I made of your hair with the strawberries I was eating." Lucius sniffled, not looking at Noah whose frown grew deeper as he tried to remember the time Lucius spoke of. "My mother was beautiful. So sweet. She scolded me for giving you a hard time. Reminded me that you were a prince. She tucked me in, and I talked her into telling me another story. I was just letting myself drift off when suddenly the windows crashed open. Levi was there. I didn't know who he was at the time, but my mother jumped up, demanding that he tell her who he was when she was tossed against a wall far from me. She got to her feet, I could see her pain, but she ignored it. She ran for me, but he slit her throat right in front of my eyes when she tried to fight him. I was so scared, I couldn't move. I couldn't scream. He grabbed my throat... and then I saw you at the door before he..." Lucius shook his head, "A pain tore through me when he dug his dagger in my gut. I couldn't breathe-..."

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