Chapter 13 - Sliver

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Liam walked out of the infirmary with a frown, wiping his hands on a towel with Wyatt right behind him, shutting the door lightly before walking up to Cylus and settling between his arms, as if there was no other place in the world he'd rather be. The archer kissed his head, holding him back as he turned to look at Liam, waiting for him to tell them how their commander was.

Night had fallen, and everyone had gathered outside the infirmary at one point. Ira sat by Lorena, trying to comfort her as she broke down in tears again after she woke up, crying whenever her mind traveled to the worst case scenario. Noah sat on the arm of the couch, holding her hand. The moment the healer stepped out, they all got to their feet, waiting impatiently for him to tell them how Lazarus was doing.

"His wound was infected."

"How?" Lorena asked, her heart rate raising, "I made sure to clean it just like you taught me. I changed the bandages and made sure they too were cleaned before using them. How is it infected? I took every measure. Everything I knew. I used the herbs you showed me. Boiled them even, so-..."

"Ren, you were out in the woods the entire time. It could've happened while changing the bandages, it is not your fault. It happens." Liam explained, "And an open wound for days, it was bound to happen."

"So is he going to be alright?" Tobias asked. Liam looked towards him, his lips parting about to answer when instead he looked down at the towel still in his hands. "Liam, don't hide things from us. We are far past that."

"It's not only the infection." Liam said, looking at Noah, "You healed around the bullet."

"To stop the bleeding." Noah said with a frown, "It was the only way. It was all I could do."

Liam nodded, "I know. It was dangerous to take it out at the time but..." Noah's winced, waiting for the worst, taking in a breath as he waited to hear what happened because of him not healing his father completely, "Part of it was healed into a vessel. It didn't clog it, it just... part of it was in there, and it poisoned his blood."

"What are you saying?" Lorena asked, "Liam, what does that mean?" she demanded.

"I need to clean out his blood. It will take time and..." Liam broke eye contact with her, taking in a deep breath before looking back at her as he said, "You have to prepare for the worst. I cannot guarantee the success of it." Ren felt choked, stepping back before collapsing against the couch, covering her lips, not believing what she was hearing.

"Lorena..." Ira muttered, placing a hand against her shoulder which Ren shrugged off, moving away from her touch as she got to her feet, and before anyone knew what she was doing she had Tobias pressed against the wall, holding a dagger to his throat.

"This is your fault." She hissed, her eyes filled with tears, "This is all your damn fault!"

"Lorena!" Ira scolded, grabbing her arm as she tried to pull her away from the shocked alchemist, "Let go of him."

"You had to go and create those stupid guns! You had to take it out with you and forget it in a damn tavern!"

"That is not his fault." Edmur said angrily, holding onto her other arm almost the same time Ira did.

"It is! He made them! He is the reason father didn't see it coming! He is the reason he wasn't able to fight back, because how the hell do you fight back against a damn gun!" Lorena glared heatedly as her tears fell, "They made it smaller. Just like you were trying to do. It is smaller now. He had it hidden. We all didn't see it coming, Tobias. Any of us could've been the one in that room, dying, and it is all your fault!"

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