Chapter 54 - Love Lost

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Noah walked up to Blayth, seeing him stretching as he yawned. "Go get some sleep. It's my turn to stand watch."

"Uhh, thank god." Blayth sighed as he got to his feet, "I almost fell asleep a few times there."

"Did you talk to Ren?" Noah asked as Blayth turned to him.

"What about?" Blayth asked sleepily.

"Don't play dumb. Lucius told me." Noah said.

"I was planning to. Didn't really get the chance, now did I?" Blayth shrugged.

"Go sleep. Just make sure to do it before this thing between the two of you gets one of you killed." Noah muttered, sitting where Blayth had been before him, tossing a few pieces of wood into the dying fire.

"Fine." Blayth yawned again as he went to where the rest were fast asleep, settling down beside Leon before pulling back Leon's sleeping bag and slipping in it beside him, making Leon turn around and without opening his eyes wrap his arms around him and pull him close to his chest where Blayth snuggled and almost instantly fell asleep to the warmth around him.

Noah yawned before his eyes looked up at the night sky, brilliantly lit by many stars. He sat there for almost an hour alone before he heard a twig snap behind him. It didn't alert him because he felt the bond as Lucius came to his side before taking a seat beside him, saying, "You should sleep. I'll take over."

"You aren't on the list for a reason." Noah said with a small laugh.

"I can spot danger too." Lucius grumbled.

"You're out of practice, love." Noah said, glancing at him.

"Can I keep you company at least?" Lucius asked.

"Why would I say no to that?" Noah smirked making Lucius smile.

"I was thinking." Lucius said, making Noah glance at him again, "Once I finish those docks I've been working on, maybe we could have a picnic. Right at the very edge with the lake surrounding us." Lucius's smile was so genuine as if he was seeing it in his head.

"I would love that. Maybe we'll get Lazarus to teach us that French toast he's learned a while back. We could make it for the picnic." Noah added.

"With some bacon and eggs. A bottle of red wine. Some grapes to complete the meal. Oh god, I'm looking forward to it." Lucius said making Noah laugh.

"Then you should work harder, or just let me spell it, it would be quicker."

"Don't you dare." Lucius glared, "I want to make it myself."

"Just don't come crying to me with blisters then." Noah shrugged with a chuckle.

"Noah..." Lucius said after a moment of blissful silence, with nothing but the sound of crickets, and an owl's hoot in the distance.


Lucius let a small smile touch his lips before he shook his head, saying, "Nothing."

Noah turned to him as he said, "Tell me."

"It's nothing." Lucius repeated, only for Noah to grab his chin in his fingers, making their eyes meet.

"Don't ever hold back with me, alright?"

"It's stupid. I just felt like saying I love you, but then it felt awkward, with no reason... you know?"

Noah smiled as he dropped his hand saying, "Just say it. I want to hear it."

"I already did." Lucius said, shoving at Noah's shoulder when he started laughing. "Stop laughing at me. It makes me want to hit you."

Noah cupped Lucius's cheek, pulling him close as he said, "I am laughing only because you are adorable."

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