Chapter 58 - Reason I Love You

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Lucius sat underneath one of the large trees that surrounded the estate centered in the middle of a very thick forest. Sunrays penetrated the tree branches that were filled with bright green leaves, and gave Lucius just enough light as he rested in the tree's shadow.

The green eyes of the 18 year old were fixed on the sparing match that was going on further ahead of him, closer to the large villa. The red and the onyx haired knights were shimmering with the light layer of sweat that had started, covering their skin as they fervently dogged each other's attacks.

But that was not what Lucius was interested in. What his eyes couldn't part with was how the man he loved moved as if he was dancing in the most elegant way he had ever seen. His eyes were locked on how he slide sideways dodging a flying dagger and then dropping to the floor to dodge another attack before he swung his sword to commence an attack of his own.

Even though the two were moving in an almost blur because of how fast they were training, he saw every move that was made by Noah as if in slow motion. His hair drifting in the wind, his body turning just in time to evade the weapons that were flying at him, his arms moving gracefully as they slashed his sword cutting through the air swiftly.

As he gazed at them, his eyes would now and then glance downwards toward the once blank paper that was now reflecting a vivid image of a fighting Noah, concentrating on the battle at hand, his eyes fierce. The charcoal pencil that Lucius was swiftly moving over the page was defining the image even more, making it look even more realistic.

"What are you doing?" the voice startled him from the daze he was in as he got sucked into his drawing. He pulled the sketch book behind him immediately as he turned to look at Lorena who had a smirk on her face.

He blushed lightly before he blurted quickly, "Nothing!"

Lorena held a finger next to her lips, as if in thought, before saying with an arched eyebrow, "Didn't seem like nothing."

"It was nothing." Lucius repeated, flustered even more now than a second ago. He did love to sketch but he never dared show them to anyone, the little book a secret of his since he started seeing his knight on the rooftop opposite his window. "What are you doing here, weren't you supposed to be with Liam?"

"He went into the forest to collect some herbs that he hadn't grown in his garden. I don't know why he doesn't just use the new medicines everyone is using instead of making his own. I didn't feel like going on such a trip, I am a delicate girl you know. " Lucius almost laughed at her reply but held it back, Lorena was far from delicate when a spear or a sword was placed in her hand. "Sooo... what are you doing?"

Lucius was hoping that he did a good job of changing the subject, but he was wrong, he got to his feet still holding the book with all the sketched that he was 100% sure he would never show a soul, and said, "Watching them spar." he motioned with his head at the two that were still engrossed in their fight, if he didn't know better he would say that they were actually trying to kill each other.

"WOW! Looks like they are taking it seriously... did Blayth piss my brother off again or something?" Lorena asked slightly amused.

Lucius merely sighed before saying, "Actually they were bragging... wait no, Blayth was bragging and Noah got irritated and challenged him to a duel. Their hopeless" Lucius sighed once more remembering how loud the two got before deciding to fight it off.

"Where is Leon then? Usually he would be close and would restrain his Ape. " she chuckled lightly as she used the name that only Leon used when Blayth got on his nerves.

Bounded To You (Star-Crossed)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon