Part 25: Cloud recesses pt5

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(Hello my lovely readers! I'm so sorry if some of you were confused on the tiger WenXing. She just learned to hide her form with the help of her parents and Jun Wu. Explanation done! Just saying, I accidentally forgot about WenXIng being a neko for some time, sorry.)

(Paradise Manor)

Hua Cheng: Gege *sob* I-I miss our *sob* ch-children! Can we please go visit them😭

Xie Lian: you know we can't go San Lang, even if I also want to visit them too....

Hua Cheng gave Xie Lian the puppy eyes🥺
Xie Lian finally gave in and said yes. So they started to plan the sneaky arrival to cloud recesses. Hey can't get caught...right?
Well they got that wrong...

(At night)

Lan Night Guard: Oi! Who are you! Person in the dark cloak!

HuaLian: Shit-

They had a veil covering their face so people can't see their face. They had no choice but fight, but Hua Cheng got stopped by Xie Lian so they don't cause a ruckus.

Xie Lian: San Lang! We can talk it out with them, no need to start a fight!

Hua Cheng: but Gege! They wanted to stab you with the sword! They were gonna hurt you. They do not have any right to touch gege, they are not worthy! (Hua Cheng whispered: Including me)

Little did Hua Cheng know, his gege heard him and frowned. I'll deal with this insecure little fox at home~ he thought to himself. Welp...moving on.

They gave in and followed the disciple to the meting hall Lan Qiren was studying a book from the library with a corpse at his side. Trying eagerly to find more about the corpse. Then there was a knocking on the door. 

Disciple: Lan laoshi, can I come in?

Lan Qiren: You can come in only for special purposes which hopefully you are aware of. But if its not on the list then you are past curfew. Come in..

The disciple came in with the yet unknown Xie Lian and Hua Cheng. Lan Qiren stared at the two wearing dark cloaks and a veil. Still looking at the two strangers with beady eyes, he said:

Lan Qiren: State you purpose of arrival, A/N.

Disciple: I was on night guard duty when I saw them sneaking around the outer walls of cloud recesses. They were very sneaky and quiet but I could hear a little bit of noise. Like someone telling someone to be quiet with their fingers.

Lan Qiren nodded.

Lan Qiren: May I ask who you two are? Why have you entered cloud recesses? How did you even manage to get past the barrier?

Xie Lian: We just simply walked through the barrier and it broke. I apologise for the sudden arrival. My dear husband of mines wanted to see our children.

Hua Cheng: Gege!

Xie Lian: I'm not dome with you get! I heard what you whispered, just wait till we get home~

Hua Cheng: GEGE!

Lan Qiren: Noise is prohibited in cloud recesses. May I ask who's child/children's parents you are? Your pretty brave for sneaking into cloud recesses like that.

Hua Cheng: Do you know who you're talking to in that tone? Watch it old man.

Lan Qiren: You- Just who are yo-

Just then they were interrupted by some knocking.

Lan Qiren: State your name. I'm dealing with something.

Lan Wangji: I'm Lan wangji.

Hua Cheng and Xie Lian tensed up, it was the person that their son defiantly likes! Then they whispered to each other:

Xie Lian: Don't you dare lose it or your gonna get it even worse later on at home.

Hua Cheng: ...what if I want more?

Xie Lian:...

And they didn't say anything further then that.

Lan Qiren: Come in!

Then Lan Wangji went through the door.

Lan Wangji: Shifu.

Lan Zhan bowed.

With that, Xie Lian and Hua Cheng took of their cloak and their veil to get a proper look of the Lan boy their son was always talking about and even YingHua mentioned him! Lan wangji, unlike his shifu and other disciples, Lan Zhan took an interest to the study of gods. He saw the drawings of the three siblings baba and a-die. He knew it was them.

Lan wangji immediately kneeled.

Lan wangji: Heavenly emperor, Crimson rain sought flower. It is an honor to be in your presence.

Xie Lian: Ehh, no need to kneel! You can get up. We have heard a lot about you from who you may know as Hua Ying.

Lan Wangji's eyes widened with shock and his ears turned red, clearly flustered. Then he was helped up by Hua Cheng.

Hua Cheng: We finally meet, boy.

With that, Lan Qiren fainted with a mouthful of blood. Lan Xichen who just walked in ran and caught his shifu before his head could hit the floor. Why do I come in at the worse times but the best times to save Shifu from blood loss..?

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