C H A P T E R ~ S I X T Y - F O U R

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I just stared at him with a venomous glare, waiting for him to say something back to me. Instead he just stayed leaning up against the wall, arms crossed and he was wearing a smug expression. He just looked me up and down in silence, he then started to shake his head back and forth while chuckling.

This caused me to become even more angry with this pathetic bastard, making me slam my hands on the wall, pinning him to it. This caused his smug expression to falter just the slightest, which satisfied me.

"I'll ask again you sick son of a bitch, what the fuck are you doing here?" I hissed through clenched teeth, leaning in closer to him.

I could tell he was a little nervous, but nevertheless, he knitted his brow and gritted his teeth, "Oh, I just came here to party..." He reached up to my wrists and yanked them off the wall, causing me to loose my balance a little. 

He slipped out of the gap between me and the wall, and clocked me in the back of my head. This caused my face to slam into the wall. I pushed myself off of the wall and my nose felt hot. I quickly dabbed my nose and looked at my fingers, covered in blood. This caused anger and spite to flow through my veins as I looked back at Luka with a determined glare.

"You don't know what you just started you bastard..." I huffed with a smirk growing on my face.

I raised my fisting in the air and rammed it right into the side of his jaw, sending him stumbling to catch his balance. Once he recovered, I saw that I had busted his lip open and he leaned his weight onto the wall as he caught his breath. 

When he opened his eyes, he looked at me with a murderous glare and started to charge me. He locked his hands around my waist and then swept my feet out from under me and slammed me to the floor. This knocked the air out of me and my head started to pound violently. Once I managed to catch my breath, I looped my right arm under his left arm pit, and my right arm around the crook of his neck. I clasped my hands around my wrists and flipped us over so that I was on top of him.

This hold disabled his ability to punch as I repeatedly kneed him in the abdomen. After a few moments of doing that, I released the hold and stood up, admiring in satisfaction at what I had done to him. For good measure, I kicked him in the face, hard. He groaned in pain as he held his nose and started to stand up. I let him straighten out her for grabbing him by the collar of his shirt and lifting him off the ground by a few inches, getting all up in his face.

"Don't you ever lay an eye on Marinette for the rest of your fucking pathetic life! Is that sticking to your perverted brain? Or do I need to teach you another lesson..." I seethed through clenched teeth.

He smirked while panting from the tole the fight took on his body, "Ah, so you have some feelings for little miss Dupain-Cheng now do you?" He mocked, causing my grip to tighten on his shirt, "Well be warned, she's a bitchy whore-"

Making fun of me is fine, but I draw the line when he mentioned Marinette. I slammed my fist right into his right eye. This sent his head flying back, and I dropped him, watching his body collapse to the floor, leaving him hanging onto consciousness.

"Don't you dare call Marinette a 'bitchy whore'! As a matter of fact, don't mention her fucking name you worthless piece of shit!" I yelled down to him, fuming at this point.

I noticed that I had gathered a pretty large crowd and they were all staring at me. Some stared in shock, some stared in awe, but there was one face that wasn't there...


I didn't care what people thought of the event that just went down at this point, I just needed to find Marinette and make sure that she was okay. I first went to the ladies room to see if she was there. When I opened the door, there was a group of women in their twenties, just chatting about guys and other shit, when they turned around and saw me. They were mortified and started throwing all of their makeup and shoes at me, yelling at me to get out.

Are You All That Bad? |Miraculous: Enemies to lovers|حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن