C H A P T E R ~ T W E N T Y

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"Marinette? Marinette, are you awake? Marinette!"

The voice slowly got louder as I regained consciousness. I started to sit up and look around the room to take in my surroundings.

I was in a hospital bed with tubes and wires scattered all over my body, my family and Luka were surrounding me with looks of relief plastered on all of their red, puffy faces. I double checked to see if there were any more people in the room, but there weren't...someone was missing.

"Where's Chat?"


My eyes fluttered open due to the repetitive bouncing motion shaking me awake. I didn't try to stretch out or move a muscle because as I looked around, I was jumping over rooftops that were about one-hundred feet off the fucking ground!

I wondered how I was able to be doing this since I wasn't in my Ladybug form, but I quickly noticed that a certain someone was carrying me. I look up to see Chat with a desperate expression with tears streaming down his beautiful, chiseled-Wait! Not the point!

"P-please, Marinette, we are a-almost there, just hang in a l-little longer for me, 'k-kay?" He shakily repeated over and over again. 

I went to opened my mouth to tell him that everything was alright and I was well, I felt a severe sensation of pain rush through my veins. I was too injured and had lost to much blood to be talking, well actually, anything, really!

I winced in pain, but made no sound.

I decided to let darkness consume my consciousness, but before I was completely gone, I heard him softly whisper to me, "Don't worry, Purrincess! We're almost there!"

~Flashback ended~

After I asked this question, I felt another surge of pain rush through me and quickly lied back down.

Luka look hurt and jealous at my question, my parents looked confused, but Bridgette walked over to me and placed her hand on top of mine, "He was here with you, by your side this whole time. But when we got here about an hour ago, He let us have our time with you!"

I blushed at the thought that Chat was by my bedside for hours, waiting for me to wake up! Maybe he caressed my hand, staring at my motionless figure, maybe even-Wait! Where the fucking hell are these thoughts coming from?

Sure! Maybe he saved my life a few hours ago, but does that change my opinion on him?...Well...um, maybe he can be promoted from enemy to frenemy... I said maybe!

My train of thought was interrupted by my mom's sweet voice, "Hey honey, are you feeling alright?"

I didn't want to talk since it hurt (Yeah, no shit Sherlock!) But I still wanted to be able to communicate, so I looked around the room and spotted a notepad and pen.

I pointed in the direction of the items, and My dad knew what I was motioning to, so he retrieved  them for me. I nodded my thanks and started to write.

When I was done writing, I flipped the pad over for them to see.

'I'm fine, tired, but fine. It hurts to speak though, why?'

Bridgette gave me a sad look and sighed, "Your neck was slit a little bit while you were being robbed, out running errands. Chat Noir found you and brought you here. Your wounds were stitched up, so that's why it hurts to talk." I nodded, "You also lost a lot of blood, so that explains why you are tired."

My eyes widened as all the memories came flooding back to me all at once, it was almost overwhelming! The robbery, the attack, everything! I reached up to my earlobes, nervously rubbing them, but a huge wave of relief washed over me as I felt my earrings still in place.

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