C H A P T E R ~ T W E N T Y - E I G H T

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With every step I took up the stairs to get to the apartment, I kept thinking of endless possibilities for what this 'little surprise' could be! They didn't give any context to what this gift could be, they just said 'We have a surprise for you' and left little ol' me here to overthink the entirety of the situation!

I was brought back to reality when my parents opened the apartment door with big, flashy smiles on their faces.

"You ready to see your surprise?" My dad asked me in an intriguing tone.

My mom nodded at the question, "Well, are you?" She asked with a bit of eagerness woven into her voice.

I nodded hesitantly and they started jumping up and down like cheerleaders whose team just won a game. I cringed wanting them to just get to the point, "So, what's the infamous surprise you have me on the edge of my seat about?"

They gave each other a mischievous side glance and scooted downstairs. I scoffed, leaving me here again with no fucking context! Do they love giving me anxiety or something!

But as soon as they left, they came back with a big, baby blue bag with 'Cheri's Fashion Shoppe' printed on the front in a bold, Cursive font.

With joy spread all over their faces, the thrusted the bag towards me, "Here!" My mom exclaimed, "Open it!"

I looked down at the bag in my hands, and a smirk made its way to my lips, "Y'know, I'm gonna open this up in my room..."

I started to my my way to my room, leaving my parents dumbfounded, "Wha-Why!" My dad stuttered out.

I looked back at them with a cunning smile, "Payback!" I chirped. With that I entered my room and set the bag down on my desk.

As I was wondering what it could possibly be, my world went dark.

"Guess who!" A voice asked.

"Haha, Bridgette. Very funny." I took her hands off of my face and looked at her. 

She started to tear up, and engulfed me in a hug, sobbing into my shoulder, "You need to be more careful, Mare-Bear! I almost died when I heard that you were in a hospital because you went into an alley way and got assaulted! God, did any of my warnings mean anything to you?" With that, she returned to sobbing into my shoulder.

I smiled softly and started to pet her hair, "Hey, I learned my lesson! Besides, a certain hero was there to save me!" I reassured her.

She stood up and wiped her runny nose with the back of her hand, "Yeah, yeah, I guess...but still, don't depend on the fact that he'll be there every time to save you! Because he wont! Your not the only person in Paris, y'know!" She scolded me.

I sighed and nodded, "To think that I came up here to find out what my surprise is, only to be lectured by my sister-like friend, Oh how the tables turned." I remarked sarcastically.

"Hey, I'm being dead fucking serious." She said in a hushed tone, looking me dead in the eye, staring into my soul...kind of terrifying!

"I promise,  I will be more careful! I don't know why I went into the alley in the first place! There were just a lot of people and it can get claustrophobic!" I defended, hoping that it would cover up the reason I was actually in there because I am a terrible liar.

She finally let her strict demeanor slip and was back to bubbly self, just a bit more relaxed. "Well, I just wanted you to know how I and other people felt, so, I'm gonna head down and leave you with your surprise!" She taunted.

Once I heard the door shut, I let my laid back façade drop, and I rushed over to my desk like a moth to a flame. I opened the bag, and started to rip out the mountain of tissue paper burying my gift that I was so eager to get to.

Once all the paper was gone, I picked up the items: a big spool of blush colored tulle, some ribbing for the bodice, and an A-Line hoop skirt!

I was geeking out over how amazing these materials were! And, they were exactly what I was going to get when-um, well...y'know...had a little detour.

I ran down to the living room where my parents and Bridgette were having tea. I ran up to all three of them and engulfed them in a big bear hug, "Thank you, thank you, thank you! This is one of the best gifts ever! I love you all so fucking much!" my shout of appreciation was muffled by the three humans surrounding me (Thank god!)

They were all shocked at first, but eventually came to their senses and hugged me back. We just sat there in a comfortable silence for a few minutes, taking in the warmth of one another and not wanting the moment to end.

Once we all released from the embrace, I looked around and saw my parent's eyes glazed over with tears streaming down their faces. My expression immediately dropped, wondering what I did, "What? What's wrong?" I asked, I bit panicked.

My parents realized what was happening, and they started to frantically wipe the tears off their cheeks, "O-oh, it's nothing S-sweetie!" My mom started to say, "It's j-just that you haven't hugged us like that i-in a long time!" She stated with a tremor in her voice.

My dad looked from my mom to me nodding softly, "J-just know that we love you more t-than you know, Marinette." He stuttered.

All these emotions caused me to get all teary eyed, "Aw, guys! I-I may not show it all the time, b-but I love you guys with all my heart! I p-promise!" I gushed.

"I-I may not be blood," Bridgette added, "B-but you all are my family! I-I fucking love you!" She exclaimed while shedding a few tears.

Shit! Now we were all crying!

If this happens every time we hug, These hugging sessions might need to be a bit more spaced out...


Long time no see, Bugaroos! I'm back, but with an actual chapter this time! I hope you enjoyed the wholesome family bonding session between the Dupain-Chengs! Speaking of family, I got my dad to watch a few episodes of MLB last night, and he is hooked! I'm so proud! *Sheds a tear*

Please don't forget to vote, comment, and share this book! And follow me! Just so you all know, the prize for getting to 1000 reads is still available, a one-shot of you choosing! for more details, got to the last A/N!

Fact 32: I'm on Vacation Right now! 

Love you all so much my Bugaroos! MWAH!

Are You All That Bad? |Miraculous: Enemies to lovers|Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora