C H A P T E R ~ T H I R T Y - S E V E N

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I heard a knock on the doorframe which caused me to flinch a little. 

"Um, hey!" 

I looked up slightly and saw that the person that decided to try and spark a conversation with me. I had to hold myself back from snarling, because that person was Adrien.

"Can I sit with you while I wait for my food?" He asked.

I let out a reluctant groan, not wanting to spend my morning with this bitch. But I could feel the death glare Tikki was giving me right now, so I eventually nodded.

I was still looking down, not wanting to look at his face, but I could hear a chair scraping across the floor.

"So, can I see who I decided to sit with?" He asked in a teasing voice.

I rolled my eyes, knowing full well that he knows who I am! What was he getting at? We sat there for a few more moments in silence, which I could tell made him uncomfortable. I didn't mind putting him through a little discomfort because if I'm going down, I'm taking him down with me!

"So, um...how's your morning been?" He asked trying to start another conversation.

I sighed in frustration and angrily ripped the hood off my head revealing my face, leaving him in shock.

"What the hell are you trying to do, Adrien?" I asked impatiently.

"Um...I-uh honestly didn't know that you were here! I'm sorry for making you uncomfortable!" He defended, clearly flustered.

He got up and turned around to go back to the pickup counter, evidentially embarrassed. I think he honestly didn't recognize me, which made me feel a bit bad, but I had to know.

"Since when do you care if I'm comfortable, Blondie? All you do is make me uncomfortable!" I stated, but also genuinely wondered why.

He looked back at me with an even redder face, probably not expecting that.


"Adrien? Your order is ready!" The lady at the counter called out.

I could tell that he was relived and quickly hauled ass over to the pickup counter.

The fact that he got red when I asked him why he felt bad for making me uncomfortable, made me wonder.

What changed?

This whole morning, he had been acting, how do I put it?


He asked me if I was alright, he came over to sit with me while he waited for his food, and he also got really flustered easily every time I spoke.

I decided to leave before anymore of them came over to try and talk to me. I called for the check, payed, took my coffee, and headed out the door.

Once I made my way back to the school, I finished my drink and threw it in recycling and checked the time.

I smiled in contentment realizing that school started in five minutes! That's good on my part, because that leaves less time for me to bump into Adrien and have some more awkward chit-chat.

Tikki popped her head out of my purse, "What do you think happened to Adrien, Marinette?" She asked with a confused look on her face.

I looked back at her with the same confused expression, "I have no fucking idea!"

As I made my way to class, it occurred to me that I had my dinner with Felix and his cousin tonight!

Well, at least there's something to look forward to!


When I got back to our table, my friends were just conversing between each other as I zoned out, muffled voices in the background.

I really fucked up! She must've thought that I was pitying her or something, but I really didn't know that person who was sitting alone in the corner, was her!

I know because of our past, it might look like I was teasing her for coming here alone, but that's not it! As much as I love my friends, it's nice to branch out you friend group and meet new people!

I was just cursing myself out for being such an idiot and not noticing the obvious, when I hear the door chime, which breaks me out of my trance.

I looked up and saw  Marinette exiting the café. 

I bet she left because me...God! Why does my dumbass have to make things worse! 

First I made it look like I put gum on her seat, second, I told her that she was a shit hero and should quit, and now, I made her feel uncomfortable with my presence because I've been such an ass to her over the past few years! 

I need to make things right with her somehow...

Oh! We have the dinner tonight with Bridgette and Marinette!

Felix asked me to act civil anyways, so this will be a good start.

As relived as I am that I found out that I liked Marinette, it is taking me a long time to get used to that fact.

I mean, I hated her for three years straight! Both Marinette and Ladybug!

Most of the thoughts running through my head are, 'FUCK!' 'WHY?' 'NO!' I hated this girl for all of high school, and now I'm expected to have my beliefs on her change like that? I don't think so!

Yeah, right now my mind feels like it's tearing itself apart fiber by fiber, bouncing between 'I like Marinette! Let's fucking go!' and 'Why in fuck's name do you like this bitch?'

I bet this is what Karma feels like.

I sighed and scooted my chair out from under the table and stood up. My friends gave me confused glances, "Why are you getting up? You haven't even touched your food!" Alya pondered with a worried glare.

I just shrugged, "Just not hungry." I stated.

They now were all terrified! Me? Not hungry? Those are two things they thought that they'd never have to put together!

I started to walk to the door, when I hear them trailing close behind me.

I let out a tired sigh and turned to face them, "Please, stay and enjoy the food! I'm just going on a walk to clear my head!" I reassured them.

They looked at one another, and eventually went back to the table without a word.

I exited the café, and looked down at my watch, I had about ten minutes before class started.

I started to walk in the direction of the school, wondering where Marinette ran off to in such a hurry.

I hate that she is all that consumes my thoughts now! Like, sure, she has always been apart of my thoughts for enemy shit, but that was the extent of it! Now I'm wondering where she is, if she's okay, wondering if she'll like my hair, and- ARGH! It's bullshit! Literal bullshit!

By the time I was done with my mental rant I realized that I had unconsciously made my way to the school. I opened the door and headed up to my class, hoping that Marinette got distracted by a cat or something and would be late to school.

When I opened the classroom door, my eyes widened.

I was experiencing major Deja vu...


Good day/evening my Bugaroos! I hope that you liked the chapter! What do you think Adrien's Deja vu is? Hmmm? Well, if you want to bother yourself with this the rest of the day, be my guest! But I'm guessing that you have more important shit to do than worry over the plot of a stupid book.

Please make sure that you vote, comment, and share this book with your friends and family! And go follow me, Bugaroo24!

Fact 39: I want to cosplay some day! (But my strict parents are keeping me from achieving that goal!)

I love you and appreciate you all my Bugaroos! MWAH!

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