C H A P T E R ~ E I G H T

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After hours of long work, I had gotten the majority of my work done. 

"Four down, one to go, Marinette!" Tikki exclaimed, crossing off the task I had just completed. 

I took a big sigh of relief and wiped my brow, "Thank God! Which one's next?"

Tikki had opened her mouth to respond, when my phone started to ring. 

It startled me so much, that I fell out of my seat. Tikki giggled at my clumsiness. 

I crawled back on to the chair and checked the time, "2:00 in the morning? Damn! Who's calling me at this hour?" Tikki shrugged and I picked up my phone and looked at the contact.

"Luka?" I answer the call and put the phone to my ear, "What do you want?" I harshly questioned. 

It was 2:00 in the morning and I still had work to do, of course I'm going to be cranky!

"Geez! Someone's grumpy!" I knew he was implying to me. 

Even though he couldn't see me, I gave him an eyeroll, "Yeah, no shit, Sherlock!" 

I let out a sigh, "But! If your calling at an hour like this, It must be important." 

"Yeah, it just occurred to me that my band, Kitty Section, has a gig in a couple of days."

I took the phone away from my ear and muted myself, "The costumes! I totally blanked! Pull yourself together, Dupain-Cheng!" I scolded myself. 

I quickly unmuted and went back to the conversation.

"And I remember commissioning you to make the band costumes, so I was wondering if they were ready and you could swing by first thing in the morning?" 

I just mentally slapped myself for forgetting such an important project.

"Uh...Mari? You there?" 

I shook myself out of my trace and plastered on a big smile, "Oh, yeah! Sorry! I can have them delivered to you at seven, only if that works for you though!" 

He laughed through the phone, "Yeah, that totally works! I can't wait to see them!" 

"Yeah, me too..." I muttered to myself.

"What?" Luka asked. 

I immediately started to stutter, "Um, I-I said, 'Y-yeah, see you!" Silly m-me!" 

There was a moment of uncomfortable silence. 

"Um, okay? See you soon!"

After he hung up, I started to panic, "Shit, shit, shit! What am I gonna do, Tikki? I can't make five costumes in five hours! It's unmeasurable!" 

I whacked my head down on my desk for my obsessive need to always please people.

"Don't worry, Marinette! If I help you, the process will smoother and less stressful!" I gave my kwami an empathetic look and hugged her. 

She really was the best!


"ADRIEN!" Plagg whined. 

"What the fuck do you want? It's-" I look over to my clock and my eyes widened, "2:00 in the morning!" 

"I want some cheese! I'm starving!" he complained. 

"I should've guessed..." I muttered under my breath.

I got out of my bed and made my way over to Plagg's cheese cabinet. 

I took a deep breath and pinched my nose. Even though, Plagg has been in my possession for three years, I have never gotten used to the smell of his prized, stinky cheese.

I got back to bed and tossed him his cheese. 

He munched- I mean, Inhaled the huge chunk of cheese and let out a loud belch. I cringed in disgust.

"Y'know, you manage to amaze me and disgust me all in the same two seconds you do that, right?" I gestured to his whole being. 

"That's 'cause I'm amazing!" He replied.

An idea formed in my head, and a cunning smirk arose to my lips, "Y'know, Plagg, there are punishments for waking me from my slumber..." 

His prideful demeanor melted into a terrified stare, "Please, no...don't do it..." 



"Claws Out!" 

He sighed in defeat and got sucked into my ring.

Once I was transformed, I started to wonder what the hell I could do at 2:00 in the morning. 

A lightbulb went off in my brain. 

Maybe I could annoy a certain someone...

I opened my window and jumped over the rooftops of Paris until I spotted the certain someone's bakery. 

This was gonna be so much fun!


I ran around my room, looking for the materials that I needed to make these costumes. Once I had everything gathered up and organized,  I wondered whose costume I should make first. 

Hey, Tikki?" I called to her, not taking my eye off of the piles of fabric. 

"Yes, Marinette?" she asked, flying towards me. 

"Which costume should I make first?" 

She looked at my desk and saw that I had organized the materials by person, "Why don't you make Adrien's first?"

I just looked at her in pure shock. 

I suspected that she would suggest Luka's first or something, but Adrien? I did not see that coming!

"What? Why him?" I asked with much confusion mixed in my voice. 

"Well, If you finish his first, you can move on to the other ones that you actually want to do, so that you aren't dreading the entire process of having to do Adrien's last. Start with you least favorite, and go from there!" She explained her logic behind her meaning. 

Huh...not a bad idea...

"Okay, let's get to wo-" I was abruptly paused by a loud thump on my roof. 

"What the hell? Is that fat-ass pigeon back?" Tikki shrugged, just as confused as I was. 

"Hide, Tikki!" I whispered. 

She flew behind my mannequin as I made my way up to my balcony to teach that bird a lesson.

"Go back to Hell, you stupid-ass-" I realized what, or rather who, I was yelling at and froze in confusion and embarrassment, "-bird..." I finished in a hushed tone.

"Wow! Is that how you greet all your visitors? Or is it just because I'm special?" He sent me a cocky smirk, staring into my bluebell eyes with his electric green ones.

"C-chat Noir?"


Bonjour Bugaroos! I cant thank you enough for the Ninety reads I have gotten on this book! I love writing this for you and can't wait to write more content for you guys!

Now for the annoying part; Please vote, comment, follow and share this book with friends so I can get more reads (And self confidence!)

Fact 10: I have so many freckles (So, so, so many)

Love you all Bugaroos! MWAH!

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