C H A P T E R ~ T H I R T Y - T W O

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I was sleeping peacefully when I heard a crisp knock on my balcony door. I was worried because one, it was the middle of the night! And two, how was anyone on my balcony? 

I hesitantly reached for the latch on the door and opened to be met a pair of electric green eyes. I let out a sigh, "What the hell are you doing here Chat Noir?" I asked, slightly pissed that he disturbed my slumber.

He chuckled, "I got kinda bored at home and I couldn't fall asleep, so I decided, 'Why not go to Marinette's? She can put me to sleep like that with how fucking boring she be!' so here I am!" He announced.

As offensive as that comment was, I was too exhausted to be scolding anyone so I let it slide, "Well, if that's all your here for, I'm gonna go back to sleep because I don't know If you knew this, but I have to go to school tomorrow!" I shouted.

I lowered myself from the hatch and back onto my bed. I reached up to close the door, when he held it open, "Uh-uh-uh! I came here to annoy you, so that's what I'm gonna do!" He explained, poking his head in my room.

I let out a frustrated groan, "Fine! But as soon as I tell you to leave, get your ass back home, m'kay?" I stated.

He nodded and slipped into my room and sat in front of me, criss-cross applesauce on my bed with a goofy grin.

We sat there for a minute or two just looking at each other, one with pure annoyance and the other with pure bliss...I wonder which was which...

Chat eventually broke the silence, "So, do ya wanna play a game?" He slyly pondered.

I shrugged, "Sure, whatever floats your boat." I replied.

If it wasn't possible, he looked even more happy, "Yes!" He pumped his fists in the air, earning a giggle from me.

"Let's play truth or dare!" He said with a certain tone in his voice that made me want to rethink my choice of opening my door in the first place.

I sat up straighter, "Okay, truth or dare?" I questioned.

He overexaggerated the thought process, but eventually landed on an answer, "Truth!" I proudly stated.

"Playing it safe I see, huh Scaredy Cat?" I taunted, "What is the most embarrassing thing that you have done in public?" I asked.

He blushed a little out of embarrassment, "Um...well, there was one time when Ladybug and I were asked to come to a cosplay convention just as ourselves, but I took 'cosplay' literally and came as Sailor Moon..." He sheepishly admitted.

I burst out laughing. I had totally forgotten about that! I am so glad that he put that image back in my head!

He gave me a sad face, "Hey! It was embarrassing!" He defended, "Anyways, it's my turn to make you suffer!" I exclaimed.

I rolled my eyes, "Truth or dare?" He asked with a smirk.

I pretended to think long and hard for his entertainment, "Um...I pick truth as well!" I finally replied.

"Aww! Come on! I had a good dare!" He whined.

"Well too bad! Work with what you got, and give me your worst!" I ordered.

"Fine!" He groaned, "What's the most embarrassing thin that has happened to you?" He asked.

I started to slowly applaud, "Wow! And the award for originality goes to Chat Noir!" I sarcastically remarked.

"Answer the question!" He stated, ignoring my remark.

I was trying to think of something, when a brilliant idea came into mind that would get him all flustered, "Okay, well you asked for it!" I warned, "One night, my friend and I were working on a fashion project, and he ever so kindly offered to be my mannequin and let me measure him. When I went to measure his head, he had to sit down so I could measure him correctly. And when he sat down, I had to bend over to comfortably measure! he kept moving his head around and I had to keep re-fixating his head. But being the dumbass he is, he waited until after five minutes to tell me that he could see my breasts as I was measuring him, and left me a flustered mess!" I explained.

As he listened to my story his facial expressions went from delighted, to confused, and finally my personal favorite, absolutely without a doubt petrified, "Oh and by the way, the dumbass that I'm talking about, is your dumbass!" I clarified.

"You little Bitch!" He sneered.

I flipped my hair, "Proud to be one!" I cheered.

He let out a short temperamental sigh, "I get a redo! I already knew that one! In fact, I was the main subject of that one!" He defended.

I let out a sigh, "Fine! But then I get two questions next!" I demanded.

~Time skip~

After a few questions, we were laughing our asses off at all of the new found dirt we had on each other, and all the funny things were dared one another to do. But the highlight of my night was him putting that mental image of him in Sailor Moon cosplay back into my brain!

I looked over at the clock and my eyes widened, "Dude! It's 3:30! I need to sleep, get your ass out of my room! I don't care if you go home or not, just get out of my room!" I ordered.

He comically held his hands in the air, "Okay, okay! I'll go! Well, It was a pleasure as always, Purrincess!" He purred.

I giggled, "The pleasure's mine, Kitty!"

He stood up to open the hatch door as I resituated myself under my covers. As I was doing this, I accidentally tripped Chat Noir with one of my feet, and he tipped over and landed right beside me, head on my pillow.

I had to clap a hand over my mouth to stifle my laughter. He looked at me with an angry expression, but It quickly melted into us belly laughing.

After our little laughing fit, I had to wipe my eyes, we were laughing so hard! I turned to look at him and apparently he did the same and our faces were inches apart from one another.

I could feel my face heat up, and I saw his do the same. I looked down from his electric green eyes, to his soft peach lips. I quickly looked back up and saw him become visibly more flustered. 

He licked his lips and started to lean in. I was shocked at first, but quickly shut my eyes, and closed the gap between us. And then-

I woke up, heart beating rapidly and palms sweaty. I placed a hand over my chest and took deep breaths to calm my beating heart. What the fuck was that dream doing in my head?

Me? Kissing Chat Noir? He was my enemy, well frenemy...Friend? Fuck, I don't even know any more, but a love interest? Now that I think about it, these past few days, my relationship had  changed with him, but I didn't know it changed in this way!

I looked at my clock which read 6:00 am.

Well, at least I'll be to school on time...


Hey hey hey my Bugaroos! The chapter has come! The realization chapter! I feel that there is so much pressure to make these chapters absolutely breathtaking and jaw dropping, so I hope that I at least did half of the things you hoped for in this pretty important chapter.

On a less stressful note, please vote, comment, and share this book with whoever you feel like. And also do me a favor and follow me!

Fact 36: I placed second in a city-wide art competition in fifth grade (Probably the most I will ever amount to lol!)

Love you all to bits and pieces my Bugaroos! MWAH!

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