C H A P T E R ~ F I F T Y - F I V E

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I walked through my front door with a smile plastered on my face, but as soon as I closed the door behind me, I let my smile fall. I sank to the floor and curled up in a ball, and Tikki flew out of my purse with a worried look on her face.

"I'm so sorry that happened to you Mariette. No one should ever have to go through what you just did..." She exclaimed.

I looked up to her with the best smile I could muster, "Th-thanks, Tikki... that manes a lot..." I gushed.

She smiled and flew to my pointer finger. She wrapped her tiny little arms around it, and yanked it, in attempts to get me to stand up.

I obeyed and stood up, grabbing my school bag, "L-let's go upstairs, Tikki." I suggested.

She nodded and we made our way up to my room as fast and as quiet as we could, being sure to not notify anyone that we were here.

Once we made it to the entrance of my room, I slowly opened my notoriously creaky door so that it wouldn't creak as much as it usually would. I hoisted myself up into my room, and silently closed it back up. I went over to my chaise, and scooted it over, so that it was coving my door so that no one could get in.

I released a breath that I felt like I had been holding since I had entered my house I was about to head up to my bed and get some shut eye, when something caught my eye from across the room...

My Gala dress...

I figured my time playing hookie would be better spent on something that would be helpful and useful to me, rather than just sleeping the whole day. I sighed, and started to walk over to the half finished gown sitting in the corner of my room.

I fished out my sewing materials and tools, and pulled up a chair, ready to get to work. I noticed that the skirt was almost complete, but the bodice was still yet to be added to the gown.

I dug through the materials needed for the dress, and triumphantly pulled out the ribbing. I pinned it to the mannequin to keep it in place as I stood up and took a step back to see what needed to be done. 

First, I needed to reshape the ribbing so that there was a deep V in the front, and backless. Then I needed to apply the base layer of pink fabric to the ribbing so that it matched with the rest of the dress, and also have two longer pieces of fabric that I could tie in a bow at the back of my neck. I then needed to make the transition run smoothly from where the ribbing and the tulle skirt meet, which might take a while.

I let out an exhausted sigh after listing in my mind of what I had to do to complete this extravagant and one of a kind gown.

I put everything that had happened this past day and the past week, shitty and good, at the back of my mind, and put my full attention on what mattered...

Completing my gown for the Gala.

I took a deep breath through my nose, and slowly exhaled through my mouth readying myself for the mentally draining task I was gonna put myself through for the next few hours.

Well, Its all for the sake of fashion...

~Time Skip~

I stitched on the last swirl of tulle and leaned back in my chair, wiping my brow free of sweat. I groggily stood up out of my chair and admired my work from a different angle.

A smile slowly crept up my face as I realized I had just completed on of the biggest fashion projects of my life! I looked over to Tikki to get her input, but the clock caught my eye first. I read it and my eyes widened.

"It's already 2:00?" I stated, in awe that a top could take six fucking hours!

I sighed and massaged my temples in frustration. I really need to work on my time management.

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