C H A P T E R ~ F O U R T Y - T W O

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The rest of the day just went by like a blur. Everything was fast paced, but also painstakingly slow at the same time...I know that  sounds very complicated, but that's how it felt.

As I was gazing out the window lost in my trance, the bell rang and everyone started to pack up their things.

"Now don't forget to read Chapters 9-12 and answer the pamphlet before tomorrow!" My teacher joyfully stated.

All of the class groaned at the load of homework, but I still remained unfazed gazing out the window.

I felt someone shake my shoulder slightly, causing me to slowly turn my attention their direction.

"Hmm?" I distantly asked, still a bit fazed.

"You good? You've been zoning out all day." Luka pointed out to me

I nodded, and slowly turned my head back in the direction of the window.

He let out a defeated sigh, packed up his things and left the classroom, leaving me all alone.

"Marinette, Luka might be on to something! Are you sure you're alright?" Tikki asked, poking her head out of my purse.

I looked down at her and sighed,  "I honestly don't know Tikki. After this morning, I have been emotionally numb." I confessed.

"Well, I would recommend getting you home and taking a long nap before your dinner with Bridgette and Felix!" She offered.

I nodded and gathered my things to go home. A nap did sound pretty appealing since I didn't get as much sleep as I usually do! Once I packed everything away, I headed down the steps of the classroom and dragged my feet out the door.

I pulled my hood up, seeing that it was raining outside and I forgot an umbrella. I mentally prepared myself for getting soaked while walking home.

I took a deep breath, clenched my eyes shut and stepped outside, but strangely enough, didn't feel any rain pouring down on my.

My eyes fluttered open in confusion as I looked up. I clearly realized the reason why I wasn't soaked to the core was because of a big, black umbrella sheltering me.

"Cats hate rain, so I always come prepared, Purrincess!"  someone joked.

I realized who was talking to me, and immediately flushed a deep shade of red. I pulled the drawstrings of my hoodie, so that the majority of my blush was covered before turning to greet him.

"W-what are you doing here, Chat?" I stuttered.

Dammit! Again with the stuttering!

He just chuckled, "Well, I was in the area, and I know what a pain in the ass it can be to walk home in the rain, so I thought I could be of service to the lovely lady!" He charmed.

I rolled my eyes at his corny statement, "Well, I'm not going to turn down a dry walk home, so, what the hell! Let's go!"

I thought I heard him mumble something, but due to my hood it was a little foggy, so I turned to him, "Did ya say something?" I asked.

His face went a shade of pink from what I assume was embarrassment, but he just waved me off, "I-It's nothing Purrincess! Just thinking aloud!" He reassured.

I could sense  something more, but decided not to pry, because I want to take as much of this opportunity to nap as long as possible!

As we started to walk, Chat laced his gloved fingers through mine.

I was in shock, and looked back and forth between his hand and his unbothered face with a flustered expression.

With my free hand, I pulled the drawstrings on my hood even tighter,

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