C H A P T E R ~ T W E N T Y - F I V E

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After I cooled down, I got out of bed and got my crutches so that I could use the bathroom.

As I was walking out of my room, and down the hall, I couldn't help but think of a certain cat. I knew I shouldn't be thinking about him, but every time I push the thought of him out of my mind, he always seemed to resurface in my head.

One time, I was so frustrated that he was in my thoughts, that I went out of my way to go to a water fountain, and banged my head on it (Yes, people looked at me like I needed help)

I just couldn't not think of him!

Once I got to the bathroom, I did my thing, and washed my hands. I looked up to my reflection in the mirror, and cringed. My hair was greasy and stringy from not being washed in a couple of days, my face was puffy from just waking up a few minutes prior, and I had dark bags under my eyes.

"Ugh! I'm a hot mess!" I exclaimed.

I quickly splashed some cold water on my tired face, to wake me up and reduce the puffiness.

Once I was satisfied, well, as satisfied as I could be, I grabbed my crutches, and made my way out of the bathroom and back to my room.

I was surprised that I hadn't managed to trip over anything, considering how big of a klutz my ass is...But being the big-ass klutz I am, I tripped over my crutches and started to fall. It felt like slow motion as I made my way to the vinyl tiled floor.

But my face made contact with something much softer than tile...

"Woah! You okay, Clumsy?"

I immediately recognized the voice, and resituated myself, so that our eyes met.

"What are you doing here, Luka..." his voice was like venom in my mouth, "I thought that I told you I didn't want to see your ass until I was ready!"

His goofy grin faded into a hurt look. His eyes averted mine as he spoke ever so gently, "I know, I wouldn't want to see me either after how my rash actions caused you pain. It was never my intention to hurt you, I was just being a little protective..."

I scoffed and crossed my arms, "Okay, Maybe a lot protective! I had just assumed that you would've liked some time alone together after, y'know, so I spoke up for you, and I realize that I overstepped big time."

My glare at him softened as he explained the situation from his point of view. And I totally get where he was coming from, after you were intimate someone, you would want to have a moment, just the two of you. Chat's timing was terrible, sure, but that didn't mean that he had the right to go off on him like that.

I let out a sigh, "True, that was a pretty shit thing of you to do..." his hurt look just deepened as I said this and my eyes widened, "BUT! I do get where you are coming from and why you did that, and to be honest, I was a little annoyed as well with his timing. But the way that you handled the situation, was just fucked up. You had no right to be an ass to the person that saved my life, Luka."

He gave me a soft smile and put his hands in his pockets, "Well, all I wanted to do was apologize for being a dick, and help you see things from my side and why I did what I did. So, I'll be off now!"

He turned on his heel, and started to walk away. But before he got too far, I dropped my crutches and limped over as fast as I could to him, and wrapped him in a hug, "And I'm sorry for also being a total dick! I should've handled the situation better by hearing you out before calling you an asshole, and telling you to get out of my sight!"

He was slightly shocked by my confession, but reciprocated my hug, "You actually told me to 'get the fuck out of you sight', so..."

I laughed at his comment, "I'm sorry! I didn't know that made a difference!" 

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