C H A P T E R ~ T H I R T Y - N I N E

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I was frozen in horror! Adrien fucking Agreste, had walked in on Luka and me making out! For real this time!

He muttered something under his breath as I got the courage to finally speak to him again, "W-what are you doing here?"

I was panicking at the moment, my enemy had just gotten even more dirt on me! and not just some silly-ass rumor shit! Actual blackmail!

"Um...well, y'see-" he started.

"J-just, get out! N-now!" I ordered.

I don't think I want to know! It could've been a variety of reasons! He could've just been early to class, he could've been spying, he could've been doing literally anything!

He nodded with a blush painted on his cheeks and made his way out the door as fast as he could.

Once he was out of sight, I felt my legs give out as I fell back onto the bench. I was breathing really shallow, rapid breaths and my hands were shaking as well as my head was pounding.

"Hey are you oka-"

"No, Luka! I'm not fucking okay! My fucking enemy just saw what happened, and now he's going to make my life an even bigger living hell! I just need some air!" I ranted.

I stood up, and pushed him out of the way. I know that was rude, but I couldn't help it! I stumbled out of the room, slamming the door open, and my gaze focused on the staircase that led to the entrance where I could get some fresh air.

I narrowed my eyes, and started to shakily wobble in that direction.

I started to feel faint and dizzy, like my world was spinning in circles, and I suddenly lost my balance at the top of the staircase.

Before I made contact with the cold, metal steps, I lost consciousness...


After my little reality check with Plagg, I heard the door open, and froze up for a second as I saw Marinette walk, or should I say stumble, through the doorway.

Her breathing was loud and frantic which sounded oddly familiar.

I looked to where she was walking, which happened to be the staircase, and saw the state that she was in: frantic, faint, and panicked. 

Not the best combination!

I saw that she started to look a bit more loopy and she wasn't walking properly, and I felt that something really bad was going to happen!

I saw her make her way to the top of the staircase without losing balance, surprisingly, but that was probably the most of it.

She started to tip forward, and the whole thing played out in slow motion. I wanted to move, but for some damn reason, my body wouldn't cooperate. She was still falling, and there was nobody that was close enough to catch her in time besides me!

I finally got my body to move, and sprinted as fast as I could to catch her before she fell down the staircase and got seriously hurt.

I caught her in my arms, thank the fucking gods, and saw that she was laying unconscious in my arms.

My eyes widened at the sight, and without hesitation, I situated her so that I was carrying her bridal style, and rushed as fast and as safely as I could to the nurses office.

As I was making my way through the crowd of students with Marinette laying limp in my arms, I heard whispers that were almost suffocating me to a certain point!

"Is that Marinette in Adrien's arms?"

"Aren't they like notorious for being enemies or something?"

"I thought they hated the shit out of each other?"

"Am I in the right universe?"

"Why is he carrying her like that?"

All of these whispers were really pissing me off to the point where I lost my cool.

I turned around to face everyone with a glare plastered on my face, "Hey, we might not get along, but it doesn't mean we 'hate the shit out of each other'! She was having a panic attack and lost consciousness! What was I supposed to do? Stand there and laugh while some one was going though shit like that? I don't fucking think so!" And with that, I started to bolt to the nurses office.

Once I got there, I shut the door as fast as possible and dinged the little bell to get her attention.

"I'll be with you in a minute! I'm a bit busy at the moment!" She called back from a room.

I gritted my teeth, "I have someone who's fucking unconscious out here! She need help!" I shout back at her.

I soon hear the sound of shoes clacking on the tile floor and when she saw Marinette, she gasped.

"U-um, do you mind telling me what happened?" She asked a bit frazzled.

"Well, she seemed to be having a panic attack and lost conscience." I explained briefly.

I left out the part where I was the cause of it, for my own selfish yet obvious reasons.

"O-okay, would you mind taking her to the back room and placing her on the cot? I need to check on some one, do you mind looking after her?" She was clearly stressed, so of course I said yes.

I carried her back to the room, and set her on the cot. I pulled up a chair beside her bed and sat just admiring her. Even when unconscious, she was still beautiful.

I was getting major Deja vu from the hospital visit. I took deep and calming breaths knowing that this was much, much different that the hospital visit!

I started to get drowsy and my eyes fluttered closed.

I needed a little sleep after all I've been through this morning...


Hello my Bugaroos! I hoped that you liked this little chapter! The last chapter was one of, if not the longest, chapter I have ever wrote, so I decided to keep this one shorter than usual to balance things out!

Please don't forget to vote, comment, and share this book with you people! And don't for get to follow me!

Fact 41: I'm definitely a night owl! (Well no shit! Do you see what time I post these chapters at?)

Love you all to bits and pieces my Bugaroos! MWAH!

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