C H A P T E R ~ T H I R T Y - E I G H T

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!WARNING! This chapter contains content that might not be suited for certain readers (Romance and lime) so if you are uncomfortable with these topics, scroll down to the A/N at the end, and I will briefly sum up the chapter for those of you who decide to skip it !WARNING!


I opened the door, and I felt like I had gone back in time about a month.

I was in the doorway, and there I saw Marinette and Luka in the back of the classroom. Luka was straddling Marinette once more, and this time I started to feel jealously run through my veins.

I wondered how they could've ended up in that position yet again, knowing that Marinette and Luka felt uncomfortable and probably would've done something to prevent it from happening again.

I was about to shout something when I was given a little more insight on what was going on...

I heard moaning.

After a second of comprehending what was going on, it clicked in my brain, and instead of yelling at them to cut it off, I was frozen!

Marinette, who happened to be my crush whether I liked it or not, was making out with Luka, my friend and fellow band member!

Soon I heard some giggling and some shuffling.

I realized that they were done, probably getting up, but as much as I wanted to, my body wouldn't move! It was as if I was capsuled in a skintight, super strong case, forbidding me to move a muscle.

I had finally gotten feeling back to my muscles, and began to scurry out of the room. But before I was almost out of there, scot-free, my body decided that it wouldn't be a big deal to ram itself into the fucking doorway!

I hissed in pain, and stumbled backwards. I rubbed my forehead completely forgetting that there were two other whole people in the room.

"Son of a bitch!" I hissed


I flinched at the sound of my name, and quickly turned around to see very flustered Luka and Marinette, both frantically fidgeting with their clothes and hair.

"Shit!" I mumbled under my breath.

"W-what are you doing here?" She asked both panicked and angry in the same tone.

I gulped, "Um...well, y'see-"

"J-just, get out! N-now!" Marinette ordered in a frantic voice.

I nodded with a deep blush on my face, and swiftly exited the classroom.

Once I was out, I slid down the wall to the floor and buried my head in my knees in frustration.

"I'm such a fucking idiot!" I muttered to myself.

"I wouldn't say that you far from one..." I hear a small raspy voice add.

I looked over to my bag and saw Plagg's little head poking out of it, "You followed your crush, knowing that she wanted nothing to do with you! How idiotic is that?" He rhetorically asked.

I sighed in despair. I knew he was right, but all I wanted to do was to make sure that she was okay.

"I was just going to check in on her when I accidentally walked into a make-out session involving Luka and Marinette!"

He just shrugged, "Well, there's your karma for not taking my godly advice to stay out of her hair!" He stated in a teasing tone.

"Yeah," I started, "But what happened to make that happen?"

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