C H A P T E R ~ T H I R T Y - S I X

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After I slipped out of that severely awkward situation, I walked to a secluded part of the courtyard and opened my bag.

I looked down in, and saw my kwami with a slightly annoyed look an her face, "Hey? What's the face for?" I teased her.

She must've realized what she was doing and quickly shook it off, "Sorry Marinette! I'm just a bit sleepy from being up so early!" She explained.

I could tell she was hiding something, but I thought little of it and changed the subject, "Hey do you want to go to a café or something? We both need the energy, that's for sure!"

She nodded softly and slipped back into the bag. I clasped it shut, and mapped the closest café and headed on my way.

I decided not to go to my bakery because I didn't want to deal with people I knew personally for the time being, so I picked one on the opposite side of the school.

Once I arrived, I chose a chair in the corner and sat there alone with my own thoughts.

Well, until the waiter came up to me.

"Hello! I'm Caleb and I will be your sever today! What can I get for you?" He charismatically asked.

I sent him a small smile, "I'll take a large black coffee with two sugars! And I will also have a macaroon-" I was cut off by a slight yanking on my bag, "I-I mean two macaroons! Please!" I stated with an awkward smile.

The server, or 'Caleb', looked a bit unsure, but jotted it down, "O-okay...will that be all?"

I waited for another tug for a few seconds, but nothing happened so I shook my head.

When he left, I was back to complete solitude, hidden away from the rest of the shop. I looked around before I opened my bag to talk to Tikki.

"Your feeling a bit more hungry I see!" I teased her.

She crossed her arms, "Hey, I usually have time to go and grab a snack before you wake up! But you surprised me, and woke up before me! So yeah, I'm hungry!" she pouted.

I giggled at her rant, but was interrupted by the chime of the doorbell.

Out of curiosity, I looked over at the entryway, almost immediately regretting my decision. The people who walked through that door are the same people who make my life hell!

I closed my purse and put my hood over my head, making sure that I did my best to cover my face.

From the small glance that I got of them, I noticed that Adrien wasn't with them. That was a weight lifted off of my chest, but I still didn't feel weightless

Soon, Caleb came back with my order which I was eternally grateful for.

I took a sip of my coffee, satisfied with the boost of energy the first sip gave and went in for another one. As I was doing that, I slipped both macaroons into my purse for Tikki to munch on. 

So far, they hadn't noticed me tucked away in the corner and life was good!

Then I heard the door chime ring, and everything good going on in my life was crushed to a pulp.

Adrien entered the café...


After a few minutes of getting used to the idea of liking my enemy of three years, I decided to go meet up with my friends at our usual hangout.

I ran out of the doors, and sprinted to the café. I was still a little dazed and ran into a park car, causing it to go off. I froze in fear as a man started to shout at me, "Hey! What the hell, Kid? I have a meeting today!" He scolded me.

Are You All That Bad? |Miraculous: Enemies to lovers|Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu